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Development of speech in children with cerebral palsy of preschool and young school age

dc.creatorGolubović, Slavica
dc.creatorGuberinić, Marija
dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.creatorŽivković, Zorica
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi razvijenost govora kod dece sa cerebralnom paralizom (CP) predškolskog i mla􀃿eg školskog uzrasta u odnosu na stepen intelektualnog funkcionisanja i prisustvo, odnosno odsustvo epilepsije. Uzorak istraživanja čini 30 dece sa spastičnim oblikom cerebralne paralize, uzrasta od šest do osam godina. U istražiivanju je kao merni instrument korišćen Test za ispitivanje govorne razvijenosti (Vasić, 1983). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da kod dece sa CP51% odgovora spada u kategoriju: bez odgovora, eholaličan i pogrešan odgovor, 36% odgovora dece smešteno je u kategorije: funkcionalna, literarna i opisna definicija, dok 13% odgovora dece odgovara kategoriji logičkih definicija. Frekvetnost i konkretnost pojmova je statistički značajno povezana sa tipom definicija (p<0.05). Deca sa CP školskog uzrasta daju značajno veći procenat odgovora u kategoriji logičkih definicija (21.4%) u odnosu na decu sa CP predškolskog uzrasta (5%). Analizom dobijenih rezultata, utvrdili smo da su „više“ kategorije odgovora bile statistički značajno povezane sa nivoom intelektualnog funkcionisanja dece iz uzorka (r=0.877; df=5; p=0.00).Utvr􀃿eno je da su deca sa CP kod koje neurološkim pregledom nije utvr􀃿eno prisustvo epilepsije, ostvarila statistički značajno veći uspeh, odnosno imala su više definicija koje uključuju semantičke karakteristike i/ili figurativno značenje u odnosu na decu sa CP i epilepsijom (r=0.714; df=5; p=0.001).
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was to determine the development of speech in children with cerebral palsy (CP) pre-school and young school age in relation to the level of intellectual functioning and the presence or absence of epilepsy. The research sample consists of 30 children with spastic cerebral palsy, aged six to eight years. In the research, a Test for speech development was used as a measuring instrument (Vasić, 1983). The results of the study showed that in children with CP- 51% of answers belongs to the category: no answer, an echolalia and wrong answer, 36% of children's answers are classified into categories: functional, literary and descriptive definition, while 13% of children's answers correspond to the category of logical definitions. The frequency and concreteness of terms is statistically significantly related to the type of definitions (p<0.05). School aged children with CP give a significantly higher percentage of answers in the category of logical definitions (21.4%) compared to pre-school age children with CP (5%).By analyzing the results, we found that "higher" categories of children's answers were statistically significantly related to the level of intellectual functioning in children from the sample (r=0.877; df=5; p=0.00). It was found that children with CP with absence of epilepsy, achieved statistically significantly higher success and had more definitions involving semantic characteristics and/or figurative meaning in relation to children with CP and epilepsy (r=0.714; df=5; p= 0.001).
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Vojvodine
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//
dc.sourceTematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja 'Izuzetna deca: obrazovanje i tretman-Exceptional children:education and treatment“
dc.sourceIzuzetna deca: obrazovanje i tretman
dc.subjectcerebralna paraliza
dc.subjectrazvijenost govora
dc.subjectjezički razvoj
dc.subjectcerebral palsy
dc.subjectspeech development
dc.subjectlinguistic development
dc.titleRazvijenost govora dece sa cerebralnom paralizom predškolskog i mlađeg školskog uzrastasr
dc.titleDevelopment of speech in children with cerebral palsy of preschool and young school age
dc.citation.other: 34-44
dc.description.otherIzuzetna deca: obrazovanje i tretman-Exceptional children:education and treatment

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