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Assessment of phonemic hearing and phonological awareness in preschool children

dc.creatorGolubović, Slavica
dc.creatorĐorđievski, Ivana
dc.creatorJečmenica, Nevena
dc.identifier.issn2683-3603 (eISSN)
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je procena stanja fonemskog sluha i nekih elemenata fonološke svesnosti kao i utvr􀃿ivanje artikulacionih sposobnosti kod dece predškolskog uzrasta.Za potrebe ovog istraživanja formiran je uzorak od 36 dece uzrasta izme􀃿u šest i sedam godina. U istraživanju su korišćeni sledeći merni instrumenti: Globalni artikulacioni test, Test za ispitivanje razlikovanja fonema i Test za procenu fonološke svesnosti-FONT test. Rezultati su pokazali da 47.2% dece pravilno izgovara sve glasove srpskog jezika, dok 52.8% dece pravilno izgovara izme􀃿u 24 i 29 glasova. Na zadacima fonemskog sluha 41.7% dece uspešno diskriminiše sve glasove, dok je niska diskriminativnost najčešće utvr􀃿ena za parove fonema P i B (16.7%) i L i R (13.9%). Rezultati na zadacima fonološke svesnosti su pokazali da deca ostvaruju najveći uspeh na zadacima spajanja slogova i slogovne segmentacije. Analizom rezultata nisu utvr􀃿ene statistički značajne razlike u uspešnosti izme􀃿u dečaka i devojčica na svim zadacima (p>0.05).
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to assess the state of phonemic hearing and phonological awareness as well as to determine the articulation skills in preschool children.For the purposes of this research, a sample of 36 children aged 6 to 7 years was formed. The study used the following instruments: Globally Articulation Test, Test to examine the phoneme differentiation and Test for the evaluation of phonological awareness FONT-test. The results showed that 47.2% children correctly pronounce all the phonemes of the mother tongue, while 52.8% children correctly pronounce between 24 and 29 phonemes. On phonemic hearing tasks 41.7% of children successfully discriminates against all phonemes, while low discriminability is the most set for the phoneme pairs P and B (16.7%) and L and R (13.9%). Results on phonological awareness tasks showed that children achieved the greatest success in tasks: merge syllables and syllable segmentation. The task of elimination of the initial phonemes proved to be the most difficult for the children from the sample. The analysis of the survey results showed that there are no statistically significant differences in performance between boys and girls at all applied tasks (p> 0.05).
dc.publisherDruštvo defektologa Vojvodine
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178027/RS//
dc.sourceTematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja 'Izuzetna deca: obrazovanje i tretman-Exceptional children:education and treatment“
dc.sourceExceptional children: education and treatment Vol.1, No. 1, 2019
dc.subjectartikulacione sposobnosti
dc.subjectfonemski sluh
dc.subjectfonološka svesnost
dc.subjectarticulation skills
dc.subjectphonemic hearing
dc.subjectphonological awareness
dc.subjectpreschool children
dc.titleProcena fonemskog sluha i nekih elemenata fonološke svesnosti kod dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleAssessment of phonemic hearing and phonological awareness in preschool children
dc.citation.other: 22-9
dc.description.otherIzuzetna deca: obrazovanje i tretman-Exceptional children:education and treatment



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