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Safety and ethnic relations – perception of the problem in the context Of settlement and coexistence

dc.creatorFilipović, Božidar
dc.description.abstractU radu će biti prezentovani rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja koje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Grada Beograda. Usredsređujući se na metodološko pitanje validnosti, pristupili smo rezultatima kvantitativnog sociološkog istraživanja društvene strukture, kakva se od osamdesetih godina XX veka sprovode u Srbiji, odnosno bivšoj Jugoslaviji, pod rukovodstvom prof. dr Mladena Lazića. Jedan od iskaza korišćenih u navedenom istraživanju odnosi se upravo na pitanje sigurnosti, a glasi: „Čovek se može osećati sasvim sigurnim samo kada živi u sredini gde je većina pripadnika njegove nacije.“ S obzirom na to da su u navedenim kvantitativnim istraživanjima odgovori uvek bili unapred definisani, odnosno ograničeni okvirima Likertove skale, želeli smo da odgovore na ovo (isto) pitanje kritički promislimo. Stoga smo u jednom delu svog (kvalitativnog) istraživanju osmislili niz potpitanja koja su nam dodatno razjasnila odgovore ispitanikâ i pokazala na koji način shvataju ključne elemente navedenog iskaza. Dakle, prezentovaćemo interpretaciju problemâ i izazovâ sigurnosti u kontekstu međuetničkih odnosa. Preciznije, pokušaćemo da razumemo zašto se ispitanici određuju prema iskazu na vrednosno pozitivan ili negativan način te kako sami objašnjavaju svoja opredeljenja.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the results of qualitative studies conducted on the territory of the city of Belgrade. Focusing on the methodological principle of validity, we have analysed the results of the quantitative sociological studies of the social structure, which have been conducted in Serbia and the former Yugoslavia ever since the eighties, under the direction of Prof. Mladen Lazić. One of the statements used in this research refers precisely to the question of security, as follows: “One can feel completely safe only when living in an environment with the majority of members of their nation.” Regarding the fact that in these quantitative research answers were always pre-defined, or limited by the framework of the Likert scale, we wanted to critically rethink the answers to the (same) question. Therefore, in one part of our (qualitative) research, we have designed a series of sub-questions which has further clarified the respondents’ answers and showed how and in what way they understand the key elements of the abovementioned statement. Thus, we present the interpretation of the problems and challenges of security in the context of inter-ethnic relations. More specifically, we will try to understand why the respondents are being determined by positive or negative value according to the statement, and how they explain their own choices.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet bezbednosti
dc.sourceUrbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj
dc.sourcePrva naučna konferencija „Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj“ Beograd, 21. 6. 2017.
dc.subjectetnički odnosi
dc.subjectkvalitativna i kvantitativna metodologija
dc.subjectquantitative and qualitative methodology
dc.subjectethnic relations
dc.titleSigurnost i etnički odnosi – percepcija problema u kontekstu naselja i suživotasr
dc.titleSafety and ethnic relations – perception of the problem in the context Of settlement and coexistence
dc.description.otherUrbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj

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