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Connection of the gender of students with the self-estimated knowledge and notions about persons with mental retardation

dc.creatorRadić-Šestić, Marina
dc.creatorŠešum, Mia
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractUspešnost inkluzije dece sa ometenošću u redovne škole, čija je primena u Srbiji obavezna od 2009. godine, zavisi od podizanja svesti i informisanosti celokupnog stanovništva u pogledu ograničenja i mogućnosti osoba sa ometenošću. Ovim istraživanjem želeli smo da utvrdimo kako učenici redovne osnovne škole različitog pola i školskog uzrasta percipiraju osobe sa ometenošću, zatim kako sagledavaju sopstvenu informisanost na temu ometenosti i potrebu za dodatnim informacijama, kao i u kakvom su međusobnom odnosu ove varijable. Ispitivanje je izvršeno na prigodnom uzorku od 100 učenika šestog i sedmog razreda redovne osnovne škole. Korišćen je upitnik koji je posebno konstruisan za svrhe ovog istraživanja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na negativnu povezanost procene sopstvene informisanosti i predstave o osobama sa ometenošću. Takođe, utvrđeno je da učenice uspešnije opažaju prisustvo vršnjaka sa ometenošću u okviru društvene grupe kojoj pripadaju u odnosu na učenike, kao i da se učenici šestog razreda u značajno većoj meri druže s vršnjacima sa ometenošću nego što to rade učenici sedmog razreda. Učenici sedmog razreda su procenili i značajno veću potrebu za dodatnim informisanjem nego učenici šestog razreda.
dc.description.abstractSuccess of inclusion of children with mental retardation into regular schools, which application has been compulsory since 2009, depends on raising awareness and the state of being informed of the whole number of inhabitants in the respect of borders and possibilities of the persons with mental retardation. This research had the point in determining how children of the regular primary school of different gender an school age perceive people with retardation, then hoe they observe their own knowledge about the topic of retardation and the need for additional information, and what the relation between these two variables is. The research was done at the sample of 100 students of the sixth and seventh grade of the primary school. There was a questionnaire, specially designed for the purposes of this research. After the completed analyses, the given results point at the negative connectivity of the estimating of own knowledge and perception of the persons with retardation. Also it was determined that female students more successfully notice their peers with retardation within the social unit which they belong to in relation to the students as well as that sixth grade students socialise more with their peers with retardation than the seventh graders. Students of the seventh grade estimated greater need for additional information than the sixth graders.
dc.publisherForum pedagoga
dc.subjecttipični učenici
dc.subjectučenici sa ometenošću
dc.subjectosnovna škola
dc.subjecttypical students
dc.subjectstudents with retardation
dc.subjectprimary school
dc.titlePovezanost pola i uzrasta učenika sa samoprocenjenim znanjem i predstavama o osobama sa ometenošćusr
dc.titleConnection of the gender of students with the self-estimated knowledge and notions about persons with mental retardation
dc.citation.other73(1): 61-74



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