Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Defining terms of cochlear implanted children of pre-school age

dc.contributorIsaković Ljubica
dc.contributorKovačević Tamara
dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorOstojić-Zeljković, Sanja
dc.description.abstractDefinisanje pojmova je složen jezički zadatak na koji utiče veći broj faktora: uzrast, kognicija, bogatsvo rečnika, jezičko umeće i dru- go. Da bi se pojam mogao definisati na pravilan način on mora biti potpuno usvojen. Učenje ili formiranje pojmova je dinamičan proces koji počinje na ranom predškolskom uzrastu, a završava se, u većini slučaje- va na srednjoškolskom uzrastu ili traje čitav život. Cilj rada je bio utvrđivanje načina na koji kohlearno implantirana deca predškolskog uzrasta definišu neke osnovne pojmove. Takođe, cilj je bio utvrditi da li postoje razlike u definisanju pojmova u odnosu na pol, hronološki uz- rast, uzrast implantacije i slušni uzrast i utvrditi da li postoji povezanost između zavisnih i nezavisnih varijabli. U uzorku je bilo 25 dece oba pola uzrasta od 4 do 8 godina. Rezultati pokazuju da kohlearno implantirana deca predškolskog uzrasta u 74,4% ne mogu prihvatlji- vo definisati pojmove a da u 25,6% definišu pojmove prihvatljivim definicijama. Najzastupljenije su literarne, zatim deskriptivne, podjednako funkcionalne i logičke sa karakteristikom i najmanje lo- gičke definicije. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na pol i hronološki uzrast a statistički značajne razlike se pojavljuju u odnosu na uzrast implantacije i slušni uzrast. Takođe,utvrđena je povezanost između definisanja pojmova uzrasta implantacije i sluš- nog uzrasta.
dc.description.abstractDefining the term is a complex language task which is affected by numerous factors: age, cognition, vocabulary, linguistic knowledge etc... For a term to be defined correctly, it must be completely accepted. Learning or forming terms is a dynamic process which starts during early pre-school age, and it ends, in most cases, during high school years or lasts the entire lifetime. The goal of study was to determine how children with cochlear implants of preschool age define some basic terms. Thus, the goal was to determine whether there is a difference in defining a term in relation to gender, chronological age, implantation age and hearing age, and whether there is a link between dependent and independent variables. There were 25 children in the sample, both genders, aged 4 to 8 years. The results show that children with cochlear implants, of preschool age, in 74.4% cases cannot define terms within acceptable parameters while in 25.6% cases they can. Literary terms are represented the most, followed by descriptive, functional and logical with characteristics, with logical definitions being the least represented. There is no statistically significant differences in gender and chronological age, while statistically significant differences occurs in relation to the age of implantation and hearing age. Also, has been established between the definition of the term and the age of implantation and the hearing age.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceTematski zbornik radova - „Specifičnost oštećenja sluha – koraci i iskoraci,” Beograd, 2018.
dc.subjectdefinisanje pojmova
dc.subjectkohlearno implantirana deca
dc.subjectpredškolski uzrast
dc.subjectuzrast implantacije
dc.subjectslušni uzrast
dc.subjectdefinition of term
dc.subjectcochlear implanted children
dc.subjectpre-school age
dc.subjectage of implantation
dc.subjectand hearing age
dc.titleDefinisanje pojmova kohlearno implantirane dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleDefining terms of cochlear implanted children of pre-school age
dc.citation.other: 57-71



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