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Adopting mathematical knowledge of children with difficulties in learning mathematics

dc.creatorEminović, Fadilj
dc.creatorKovačić-Popović, Anita
dc.creatorNikić, Radmila
dc.creatorRadovanović, Saša
dc.description.abstractMatematika u osnovnoj školi smatra se ključnim predmetom i određena je ciljevima, zadacima i sadržajima koji su dati odgovarajućim nastavnim programima. Matematička znanja i veštine koje deca usvoje u mlađim razredima predstavljaju osnovu za učenje matematičkih sadržaja kasnije u toku školovanja. Kako bi se utvrdio odnos između nivoa usvojenosti znanja iz matematike i uspeha u školi kod dece sa teškoćama u učenju matematike, sprovedena je studija koja obuhvata 504 učenika, uzrasta 9–10 godina. Prema neuropsihološkom testu za obradu brojeva i računanja, formirana je grupa dece koja ispoljava teškoće u učenju matematike, a nivo usvojenosti znanja iz matematike ustanovljen je primenom pet testova. Rezultati pokazuju da deca sa teškoćama u učenju matematike postižu statistički značajno slabije rezultate od dece koja nemaju teškoće u učenju matematike. Statistički značajna razlika između ovih dveju grupa dobijena je i na osnovu njihovog opšteg uspeha u školi. Prema tome, u radu sa decom sa teškoćama u učenju matematike bilo bi poželjno u nastavi matematike primeniti individualizovan način rada, koji bi odgovorio na specifične potrebe i mogućnosti ove dece.
dc.description.abstractMathematics in the primary school is considered to be the key subject determined by aims and outcomes, tasks and contents given by certain teaching syllabi. Mathematical knowledge and skills adopted by children in the lower grades of the primary school represent the basis for learning mathematical contents later in school. The study including 504 students age 9-10 years was conducted for the purpose of determining the level of adoption of the mathematical knowledge. According to neuropsychological test for number processing and calculating, the group of children, who have difficulties in learning mathematics, was formed and the level of the adopted Mathematics knowledge was established by applying five tests. Results show that children with difficulties in learning Mathematics achieve statistically significantly lower results from the children who do not have difficulties in learning Mathematics. Statistically significant difference between these two groups was obtained according to their general achievement at school. According to this, working with children with difficulties in learning Mathematics would be advisable to apply individualized way of work, which will suit specific needs and possibilities of these children.
dc.publisherForum pedagoga
dc.subjectdeca sa teškoćama u učenju matematike
dc.subjectznanje iz matematike
dc.subjectuspeh u škol
dc.subjectchildren with difficulties in learning Mathematics
dc.subjectmathematical knowledge
dc.subjectschool achievements
dc.titleUsvajanje znanja iz matematike kod dece sa teškoćama u učenju matematikesr
dc.titleAdopting mathematical knowledge of children with difficulties in learning mathematics
dc.citation.other73(4): 602-619



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