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Assessment of cognitivepragmatic functioning as a contribution to diagnosing asperger syndrome in adulthood

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorOdović Gordana
dc.creatorĐorđević, Mirjana
dc.creatorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.description.abstractAspergerov sindrom karakterišu kvalitativna oštećenja komunikacije i re- cipročnih socijalnih interakcija i oskudni, repetitivni i stereotipni ob- lici ponašanja, interesovanja i aktivnosti. Iako se dijagnoza Aspergerovog sindroma najčešće postavlja u detinjstvu, neretko se dešava i da se osobe u odraslom dobu opredeljuju za dijagnostičku procenu. Cilj ovog rada je prikaz odabranog instrumentarijuma za procenu kognitivno- pragmatskog funkcionisanja kao prilog dijagnostikovanju Aspergerovog sindro- ma u adultnom periodu, kao i postignutih rezultata primenjene procene. Ispitanik N. N., star 44 godine, na procenu dolazi po preporuci porodice, a i na osnovu sopstvenog uverenja da je uzrok njegovog stanja Aspergerov poremećaj. Korišćeni su sledeći instrumenti: Ravenove progresivne matrice, AQ, SQ, EQ testovi, Baterija za procenu komunikacije, faux pas priče, zadaci za procenu ver- balne i neverbalne inhibitorne kontrole, sposobnosti planiranja, formiranja verbalnih strategija, fluentnosti i pažnje. Postignuća na primenjenim testovima isključuju mogućnost prisustva Aspergerovog sindroma. Nasuprot tome, teškoće koje se uočavaju u kognitivnom i pragmatskom funkcionisanju ovog ispitanika mogu biti posledica nekih dru- gih stanja ili bolesti.
dc.description.abstractAsperger syndrome is characterized by qualitative damage to communication and reciprocal social interactions, and restricted, repetitive and stereotypical forms of behavior, interest and activity. Although the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome is most commonly found in childhood, it often happens that persons in the adult age opt for a diagnostic assessment. The aim of this paper is to present a selected instrument for the assessment of cognitivepragmatic functioning as a contribution to the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome in adulthood, as well as the achieved results of the applied assessment. Participant N.N, aged 44, is assessed on the recommendation of his family, and on the basis of his own belief that the cause of his condition is Asperger disorder. The following instruments were used: Raven’s progressive matrices, AQ, SQ, and EQ tests, The Assessment Battery for Communication, faux pas stories, tasks for assessing verbal and non-verbal inhibitory control, planning skills, verbal strategies formation skills, fluency and attention. The achievements on the test exclude the possibility of the presence of Asperger syndrome. In contrast, the difficulties observed in the cognitive and pragmatic functioning of this subject may be the result of other conditions or illnesses.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceMetode procene u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji: Zbornik radova
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Metode procene u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd,Srbija, 24. decembar 2018.
dc.subjectprocena komunikacije
dc.subjectcommunication assessment
dc.titleProcena kognitivno-pragmatskog funkcionisanja kao prilog dijagnostikovanju Aspergerovog sindroma u adultnom periodusr
dc.titleAssessment of cognitivepragmatic functioning as a contribution to diagnosing asperger syndrome in adulthood



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