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Quality of life in children with visual difficulties up to three years of age

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorJugović Aleksandar
dc.contributorPopović-Ćitić Branislava
dc.contributorIlić Snežana
dc.creatorAnđelković, Marija
dc.creatorVučinić, Vesna
dc.description.abstractVizuelne teškoće nastale u najranijem periodu života negativno utiču na razvoj deteta i funkcionisanje porodice. Procena kvaliteta života može da pomogne u izradi individualnog plana podrške porodici. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa vizuelnim teškoćama kod dece uzrasta do tri godine. U istraživanju je korišćen Upitnik za procenu vizuelnog funkcionisanja, verzija za decu od rođenja do tri godine (The Children’s Visual Function Questionnaire, CVFQ). Upitnik je popunilo 20 majki i 11 očeva dece sa vizuelnim teškoćama. Više od pola uzorka činila su dvogodišnja deca (N=18; 58,1%). Strabizam je najprisutnija dijagnoza (N=23; 74,2%). Kod osamnaestoro dece vizuelne teškoće su registrovane na rođenju (58,1%). U obradi podataka korišćene su deskriptivne statističke mere i analize varijanse (ANOVA, MANOVA). Utvrđeno je da na kvalitet života značajno utiče pol (p=0,013), uzrast (p=0,007) i uzrok vizuelnih teškoća (p=0,039). Na lične ka- rakteristike utiče pol deteta (p=0,009) i da li su vizuelne teškoće urođene ili stečene (p=0,050). Usvojenost veština zavisi od uzrasta deteta sa vizuel- nim teškoćama (p=0,001). Dobijeni podaci su ukazali da treba organizovati istraživanja na većim uzor- cima uključujući i praćenje efekata tretmana na kvalitet života dece i po- rodica. Sagledavanje kvaliteta života i potreba dece i njihovih porodica je povezano se određivanjem tipa i učestalosti intervencija.
dc.description.abstractVisual difficulties appeared in the early period of life has a negative impact on the development of the child and the functioning of the family. The quality life assessment can help in the preparation of the individual family support plan. The aim of this paper is to determine the quality of life associated with visual difficulties in children up to three years of age. In this research was used Children’s Visual Function Questionnaire (CVFQ), version for children from birth to three years old. The questioner was completed by 20 mothers and 11 fathers of children with visual difficulties. More than half of the sample were two years old children (N=18; 58,1%). The strabismus was the most common diagnosis (N=23; 74,2%). Among eighteen children visual difficulties were registered on the birth (58,1%). In data processing were used descriptive statistics and the analysis of variance (ANOVA, MANOVA). It was determined that gender (p=0,013), age (p=0,007) and the cause of visual difficulties (p=0,039) have a significant impact on the quality of life. The gender of a child has an impact on the personal characteristics (p=0,009), as well as whether visual difficulties are congenital or acquired (p=0,050). Acquiring of skills depends on the age of a child with visual difficulties (p=0,001). The obtained data indicated that research should be organized on bigger sample, including the monitoring of the treatment effect on the quality of life of children and families. The consideration of the quality of life and needs of children and their families is in a relation with the determination of the type and frequency of intervention.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Prevencija razvojnih smetnji i problema u ponašanju”, Beograd, 21. Decembar 2017.
dc.subjectkvalitet života
dc.subjectdete sa vizuelni teškoćama
dc.subjectrani razvoj
dc.subjectquality of life
dc.subjectchild with visual difficulties
dc.subjectearly development
dc.titleKvalitet života dece sa vizuelnim teškoćama uzrasta do tri godinesr
dc.titleQuality of life in children with visual difficulties up to three years of age
dc.citation.other: 63-70



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