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Giving support to family of deaf and hard-of-hearing pre-school children

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorJugović Aleksandar
dc.contributorPopović-Ćitić Branislava
dc.contributorIlić Snežana
dc.creatorKovačević, Tamara
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorArsić, Radomir
dc.description.abstractPorodica ima izuzetnu važnost za razvoj i oblikovanje ličnosti deteta. Porodica pruža detetu iskustvo pripadnosti zajednici i iskustvo vrednosti porodice kao institucije. Prirodno okruženje deteta je porodična sredina, koja u oblikovanju njegove ličnosti ima nezamenljivu ulogu. Unutar porodice dete stiče emocionalna iskustva, uči pravila interpersonalnih odnosa i ponašanja u društvu. U porodici dete usvaja životne vrednosti i ciljeve, prima kulturu svoje sredine, kao i govor koji je naročito važan činilac u socijalnom životu deteta. Zbog oštećenja sluha i izmenjenog načina komuniciranja sa okolinom, gluva i nagluva deca predškolskog uzrasta razvijaju se pod nepovoljnijim uslovima nego deca koja čuju. Veliki broj gluve i nagluve dece predškolskog uzrasta ima specifične probleme na planu komunikacije i interakcije. Primerena i efi- kasna rana komunikacija bez obzira na kom se jeziku odvija (znakovnom ili govor- nom), zajedno sa prihvatanjem deteta i njegovog oštećenja osnova su uspešnog razvoja ličnosti deteta. Veoma je važna adekvatna emocionalna i edukativna podrška porodici glu- ve i nagluve dece. Neophodno je organizovati različite programe podrške, poboljšati komunikaciju u okviru porodice, kao i saradnju porodice i stručnjaka raznih specijalnosti koji učestvuju u rehabilitaciji i edukaciji gluve i naglu- ve dece predškolskog uzrasta
dc.description.abstractFamily is extremely important for developing and shaping the personality of the child. Family provides the child with the experience of belonging to the community and the experience of the value of the family as an institution. A child’s natural environment is the family environment, which has an irreplaceable role in the shaping of its personality. Within the family, the child gains emotional experiences, learns the rules of interpersonal relationships and of behaving in the society. Within the family, the child adopts life values and goals, receives the culture of its environment as well as speech which is an especially important factor in the social life of the child. Due to hearing impairments and a changed way of communicating with the environment, deaf and hard-of-hearing children of preschool age develop under more unfavorable conditions than normal hearing children. A large number of deaf and hard-of-hearing children of pre-school age have specific problems in the fields of communication and interaction. Appropriate and efficient early communication, no matter in what language (sign language or spoken language), together with the acceptance of the child and its impairment, are the basis for successful development of the child’s personality. Providing adequate emotional and educational support to the families of deaf and hard-of-hearing children is very important. It is necessary to organize various support programs, to improve communication within the family as well as the cooperation of families and experts of various specialties involved in the rehabilitation and education of deaf and hard-of-hearing pre-school children.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup „Prevencija razvojnih smetnji i problema u ponašanju”, Beograd, 21. Decembar 2017.
dc.subjectgluva i nagluva deca
dc.subjectpredškolski uzrast
dc.titlePružanje podrške porodici gluve i nagluve dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleGiving support to family of deaf and hard-of-hearing pre-school children
dc.citation.other: 53-61



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