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Support for children without parental care in the process of independence and leaving institutional protection

dc.contributorJugović Aleksandar
dc.contributorJapundža-Milisavljević Mirjana
dc.contributorGrbović Aleksandra
dc.creatorPopović-Ćitić, Branislava
dc.creatorNešić, Marija
dc.description.abstractOsamostaljivanje dece bez roditeljskog staranja, posebno one koja se nalaze na domskom smeštaju u ustanovama za decu i mla- de, predstavlja značajan izazov u domenu socijalne zaštite. Domskim smeštajem se deci i mladima do 26. godine života, odno- sno do završetka školovanja i radnog osposobljavanja, privremeno obezbeđuje stanovanje, zadovoljenje osnovnih životnih potreba, zdravstvena zaštita i pristup obrazovanju. Sticanjem punolet- stva ili završetkom školovanja, mladi bez roditeljskog staranja započinju samostalan život. U cilju izjednačavanja mogućnosti za zadovoljenje osnovnih potreba sa mogućnostima ostalih čla- nova društva, poboljšanja kvaliteta života i omogućavanja vođenja aktivnog i samostalnog života u društvu, mladima bez roditeljskog staranja obezbeđuju se usluge podrške za samostalan život. Uslugom privremenog stanovanja ili stanovanja uz podršku mladima koji se osamostaljuju obezbeđuje se vremenski ograni- čen odgovarajući smeštaj i stručna pomoć i podrška u razvijanju veština neophodnih za njihovo potpuno osamostaljivanje i uključivanje u zajednicu. U radu su prikazane specifičnosti uslu- ge domskog smeštaja, analizirane karakteristike dece koris- nika ove usluge i predstavljene usluge koje se pružaju mladima po napuštanju institucionalnog sistema, a koje su direktno u funkciji njihovog osamostaljivanja i socijalne inkluzije.
dc.description.abstractIndependence of children without parental care, especially those who are under institutional care in residential institutions for children and youth, is a significant challenge in the field of social protection. Institutional care temporarily provides housing, satisfying basic human needs, health care and access to education for children and youth up to 26 years of age or until the completion of schooling and vocational training. Youth without parental care start an independent life with over 18 years of age or completing their schooling. In order to create equal opportunities for these childen for satisfaction of basic needs, improving the quality of life and enabling active and idependent life in society as for other society members, support services for independent living are provided for youth without parental care. Service ”temporary housing” or ”housing with suport” provide time-limited suitable accommodation, expert assistance and support in developing the skills necessary for their complete independence and social inclusion for youth who are in the process of independence. The paper describes the specifics of institutional care services, the analysis of the characteristics of children users of this service is presented and services for youth after leaving the institutional system which are directly correlated to their independence and social inclusion are also presented.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup, „Socijalna inkluzija dece sa razvojnim smetnjama i problemima u ponašanju”, Beograd, 6. decembar 2016
dc.subjectdeca bez roditeljskog staranja
dc.subjectusluge domskog smeštaja
dc.subjectpodrška za samostalan život, osamostaljivanje
dc.subjectchildren without parental care
dc.subjectinstitutional care services
dc.subjectsupport for independent living
dc.titlePodrška deci bez roditeljskog staranja u procesu osamostaljivanja i napuštanja domske zaštitesr
dc.titleSupport for children without parental care in the process of independence and leaving institutional protection
dc.citation.other: 131-139



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