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School absenteeism of children and youngs based on anxiety: school refusal behavior

dc.contributorJugović Aleksandar
dc.contributorJapundža-Milisavljević Mirjana
dc.contributorGrbović Aleksandra
dc.creatorRadulović, Danka
dc.description.abstractMeđu različitim vidovima izostajanja iz škole značajno me- sto zauzimaju oblici školskog apsentizma u čijoj je osnovi, če- sto neprepoznata, anksioznost; oni su od ranije označavani kao „školska fobija”, a u novije vreme su obeleženi konstruktom „odbijanje da se ide u školu”. Budući da ima mnogostruke negativ- ne posledice po decu, njihove porodice i širu zajednicu, veoma je važno da se ovaj vid apsentizma što je ranije moguće prepozna i tretira drugačije u odnosu na klasične vidove bežanja od škole. Ali takođe i intervencije unutar same kategorije moraju biti individualno specifične jer odbijanje odlaska u školu može biti povezano sa različitim vidovima anksioznosti: separacionom, generalizovanom, školskom i socijalnom fobijom i sl. Prigodan teorijski okvir za razumevanje i klasifikaciju ove grupe problema ponašanja nudi funkcionalno-analitički model koji omogućava i odabir tretmana specifičnog za individualni problem školske anksioznosti dece i mladih, uzimajući u obzir mehanizme pozitiv- nog i negativnog potkrepljenja koji održavaju njihovu socijalnu neintegrisanost.
dc.description.abstractamong the verious types of school truancy important role have forms of school absenteeism based on, often unrecognized anxiety; they were previously assigned as "school phobia", and recently marked by construct "school refusal behavior". as "school refusal behavior" has multiple negative effects on the children, their families and the wider community, it is very important to recognize as early as possible this type of absenteeism and treat it differently in relation with the classical forms of run away from the school. But also, the interventions inside thаt category ought to be individual specific because school refusal behavior could be founded on various forms of anxiety: separation and generalizеd anxiety, school and social phobia etc. an appropriate theoretical framework for understanding and classification of this group of behavioral problems provides functional – analytical model that also allows the selection of specific treatments for individual problem of school anxiety of children and youngs, taking into account the mechanisms of positive and negative reinforcement that maintain their social disintegration.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - Nacionalni naučni skup, „Socijalna inkluzija dece sa razvojnim smetnjama i problemima u ponašanju”, Beograd, 6. decembar 2016
dc.subjectodbijanje odlaska u školu
dc.subjectschool refusal behavior
dc.titleŠkolski apsentizam dece i mladih u čijoj je osnovi anksioznost: Odbijanje odlaska u školusr
dc.titleSchool absenteeism of children and youngs based on anxiety: school refusal behavior



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