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Special education teachers’ support to autonomy of students with mild intellectual disability

dc.contributorKaljača Svetlana
dc.creatorĐurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
dc.creatorJapundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana
dc.creatorGagić, Sanja
dc.description.abstractStil ponašanja defektologa u velikoj meri utiče na prisustvo autonomije u učeničkom školskom radu. Proces učenja koji podstiče autonomiju učenika deluje podsticajno na razvoj motivacije i na kvalitet učenja. Ciljevi rada su utvrđivanje dominacije tipa podrške učeničke autonomije od strane defektologa, kao i utvrđivanje eventualnih razlika u tipu podrške u odnosu na rodnost i starost defektologa. Uzorak je činilo 32 defektologa koji realizuju nastavu s učenicima starijeg osnovnoškolskog uzrasta s lakom intelektialnom ometenošću. Za ispitivanje tipa podrške defektologa korišćen je Upitnik problema u školi (The Problems in Schools Questionnaire). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je visoka podrška autonomiji dominantan tip podrške učenicima s lakom intelektialnom ometenošću od strane defektologa ovog uzorka. Rodnost i starost defektologa ne utiče na kvalitet podrške autonomiji učenika s lakom intelektialnom ometenošću. Defektolozi koji čine uzorak ovog istraživanja umeju da planiraju radno okruženje na takav način da koriste spolјašnje podsticaje bez podrivanja autonomije i internalizacije ponašanja učenika.
dc.description.abstractBehavior of special educators has a great influence on the presence of autonomy in students’ school work. Learning process which encourages students autonomy acts as an incentive for motivation development and learning quality. The aim of this research is to determine dominant type of support to student’s autonomy from his/her special education teacher, and also to determine the differences, if there are any, in the type of support with regard to gender and age of the teacher. The sample consisted of 32 special education teachers who work with older elementary school students with mild intellectual disability. The Problems in Schools Questionnaire was used for examining special education teachers’ type of support. The research results show that high autonomy support is the dominant type of support to students with mild intellectual disability from special education teachers within this sample. Gender and age of the teacher do not have any influence to the quality of support to autonomy of students with mild intellectual disability. Special educators within the sample of this research know how to plan their work environment in such a way that they can utilize external stimulus without undermining autonomy and internalization of student behavior.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179025/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceTematski zbornik radova - „ Teškoće u mentalnom razvoju “, Beograd, Srbija, 2015
dc.subjectautonomija učenika
dc.subjectstudent’s autonomy
dc.subjectspecial education teacher
dc.subjectmild intellectual disability
dc.titlePodrška defektologa autonomiji učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleSpecial education teachers’ support to autonomy of students with mild intellectual disability
dc.citation.other: 71-89



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