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Dopunjavanje rečenica kod gluvih i nagluvih učenika i učenika koji čuju

dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorDimić, Nadežda
dc.description.abstractWritten language represents a significant aspect of communication for hearing-impaired children. Their spoken language is limited and very often incomprehensible, and thus it is necessary that the children be enabled to use written language in different life situations. The work on forming, extending and enriching sentence structure is one of the main aims of mother tongue teaching in schools for deaf and hearing-impaired children. However, it is often the case that the written language production of hearing-impaired children is completely incomprehensible due to their ungrammatical sentences. The aim of our research was to examine the ability of hearing-impaired students and students who can hear to use certain parts of speech in a sentence (such as nouns, verbs and adjectives). The instrument used in the research was the List for complementing sentences (N. Dimić). The research was carried out on a sample including 94 hearing-impaired students and 60 students, whose ages range between fifth and eighth grade students' age. The study of the task in which the students were to complement the sentences showed that the best results were achieved when the sentences were supplemented with adjectives. The students found the use of verbs particularly hard. Difficulties in using tenses, gender and person as well as the majority of produced meaningless lexemes point to slower and harder adoption of this part of speech. The systematic influence of school, especially of mother tongue teaching, contributes to overcoming these problems with age.en
dc.description.abstractPisani govor je za decu oštećenog sluha bitan aspekt komunikacije. Njihov govorni jezik je ograničen i često nerazumljiv, pa je neophodno decu osposobiti da koriste pisani govor u raznim životnim situacijama. Rad na formiranju, proširivanju i bogaćenju stRukture rečenice jedan je od osnovnih ciljeva nastave maternjeg jezika u školama za gluvu i nagluvu decu. Međutim, čest je slučaj da pisana produkcija dece oštećenog sluha, usled agramatičnosti njihovih rečenica, biva potpuno nerazumljiva Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitati sposobnost upotrebe određenih vrsta reči u rečenici (imenica, glagola i prideva) kod učenika oštećenog sluha i učenika koji čuju. Instrument korišćen u istraživanju je Lista za dopunjavanje rečenica (N. Dimić). Istraživanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 94 učenika oštećenog sluha i 60 učenika koji čuju uzrasta od trećeg do osmog razreda. Prilikom dopunjavanja rečenica uočeno je da su najbolji rezultati ostvareni pri dopunjavanju pridevima. Poseban problem za učenike je predstavljala upotreba glagola. Teškoće pri upotrebi glagolskih vremena, roda i lica, kao i najveći broj dobijenih besmislenih leksema, ukazuju na sporije usvajanje, kao i na otežano usvajanje ove vrste reči. Sistematski uticaj škole, naročito nastave srpskog jezika, doprinose prevladavanju ovih problema sa
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectparts of speechen
dc.subjectdeaf and hearing-impaired studentsen
dc.subjectstudents who can hearen
dc.subjectvrste rečisr
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvi učenicisr
dc.subjectučenici koji čujusr
dc.titleComplementing sentences in deaf and hearing-impaired students and students who can hearen
dc.titleDopunjavanje rečenica kod gluvih i nagluvih učenika i učenika koji čujusr
dc.citation.other(1): 19-31

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