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Attention problems in early adolescence

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorKovačević Jasmina
dc.contributorMaćešić-Petrović Dragana
dc.creatorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.creatorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.creatorŽunić-Pavlović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractPostoje brojni instrumenti procene koji su osmišljeni za detekciju problema pažnje. Međutim, stručnjaci bi trebalo da identifikuju skorove dovoljno visokih vrednosti koji ukazuju na potrebu za detaljnom evaluacijom. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje graničnih vrednosti kliničkog opsega skala za identifikaciju problema ponašanja u ranoj adolescenciji. Uzorak čini 104 ispitanika tipičnog razvoja (48 dečaka i 56 devojčica), starosti između 10 i 14 godina (AS=12,15; SD=1,44). Nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika različitog pola u odnosu na prosečne vrednosti njihovog hronološkog uzrasta (t=-0,130; df=102; p=0,897). U istraživanju je korišćena subskala Problemi pažnje nastavničke forme Ahenbahovog sistema empirijski bazirane procene. Celokupna skala sastoji se iz dve podskale Nepažnja i Impulsivnost, sa izuzetno visokim stepenom relijabilnosti unutrašnje konzistencije (Kronbahova alfa iznosi 0,948, odnosno 0,935). Sirovi skorovi, dobijeni na obe podskale, transformisani su u T skorove. Prema originalnim uputstvima smatra se da T skorovi između 90. i 98. percentila pripadaju graničnom opsegu, dok su oni iznad 98. percentila u klinički značajnom opsegu vrednosti. U ovom istraživanju granične vrednosti kreću se u rasponu od 63 do 69 poena za podskalu Nepažnja i od 63 do 73 poena za podskalu Impulsivnost. Vrednosti T skorova više od 69, odnosno 73, smatraju se klinički značajnim. Takođe je ustanovljeno da 6 (5,77%) ispitanika, tj. po tri ispitanika na svakoj podskali, imaju klinički značajne nalaze. Osim toga, 8 (7,69%) ispitanika ima granične nalaze na podskali Nepažnja, dok se na podskali Impulsivnost u graničnom opsegu nalazi 9 (8,65%) ispitanika. U budućnosti tek treba sprovesti temeljnu kliničku validaciju ovih podskala.
dc.description.abstractThere are many assessment procedures designed to detect attention problems. However, professionals should identify scores that are high enough to warrant consideration of needs for detailed evaluation. The objective of this research was to establish clinical range cut-points of the scales for identifying attention problems in early adolescence. The sample consisted of 104 typically developing participants (48 boys and 56 girls), aged from 10 to 14 (M=12.15; SD=1.44). There were no statistically significant differences between males and females in their mean chronological age (t=-0.130; df=102; p=0.897). The Attention Problem scale of the teacher`s form of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment was used in this research. The whole scale consists of Inattention and Impulsivity subscales, both with excellent internal consistency reliability (Cranach’s alpha=0.948 and 0.935, respectively). The raw scores, obtained from the both subscales, were transformed to T scores. According to original guidelines T scores between 90th and 98th percentiles are in the borderline range, while those above 98th percentile are considered to be in the clinical range. Borderline ranges in this research are 63 to 69 for the Inattention and 63 to 73 for the Impulsivity subscale. T score values above 69 and 73, respectively, are in the clinical range. It was also revealed that 6 (5.77%) participants are placed in the clinical range (three in each subscale). In addition, 8 (7.69%) participants are in the borderline range of the Inattention subscale, while 9 (8.65%) participants are considered to be in the borderline range of the Impulsivity subscale. Thorough clinical validation of these subscales has yet to be done.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 8. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 7-9. 11. 2014
dc.subjectT skorovi
dc.subjectgranične vrednosti
dc.subjectT scores
dc.titleProblemi pažnje u ranoj adolescencijisr
dc.titleAttention problems in early adolescence

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