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Attention disorders in visually impaired children with mild intellectual disability

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorJapundža-Milisavljević Mirjana
dc.creatorStanimirov, Ksenija
dc.creatorJablan, Branka
dc.description.abstractPažnja je bazična psihička funkcija i nalazi se u osnovi niza kognitivnih, motoričkih, adaptivnih sposobnosti i veština. Pažnja pomaže procesuiranje informacija i nastoji da se ono izvrši u određenom vremenskom intervalu. Svakodnevno životno funkcionisanje i učenje dece sa višestrukom ometenošću značajno je odredjeno i funkcijama pažnje. Ciljevi rada su: utvrditi učestalost poremećaja pažnje (nepažljivosti i hiperaktivnosti) kod slabovidih ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO); utvrditi razlike u ispoljavanju poremećaja pažnje kod slabovidih ispitanika sa LIO u odnosu na pol i utvrditi korelacije između poremećaja pažnje i adaptivnog ponašanja kod ispitanika sa LIO i slabovidih ispitanika sa LIO. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 221 ispitanika sa LIO, uzrasta 4 do 21 godine. Iz ovog uzorka je izdvojeno 12-oro dece koja pored intelektualne ometenosti (IO) imaju i oštećenje vida. U poduzorku je bilo šest ispitanika muškog i šest ispitanika ženskog pola. Poremećaji pažnje su procenjeni nastavničkom verzijom Ahenbahovog upitnika (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment, Teacher’s Report Form; Achenbach, Rescorla, 2001). Skala Poremećaji pažnje je razdvojena na dve podskale – Nepažljivost i Hiperaktivnost-impulsivnost. Korišćen je i deo upitnika kojim se procenjuje adaptivno ponašanje ispitanika. Analiza rezultata je pokazala da su slabovidi ispitanici sa LIO skloniji ispoljavanju nepažljivosti u odnosu na hiperaktivnost, ali između ispoljavanja nepažljivosti (t=0,964, df=10, p=0,358) i ispoljavanja hiperaktivnosti (t=2,906, df=10, p=0,016) nisu dobijene statistički značajne razlike. Takođe, nisu uočene razlike u ispoljavanju problema ponašanja između dečaka i devojčica (t=1,609, df=10, p=0,139). Utvrđeno je da LIO ima veći uticaj na pojavu poremećaja pažnje nego oštećenje vida. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da poremećaje pažnje ispoljavaju ispitanici čije su adaptivne sposobnosti niže.
dc.description.abstractAttention is basic psychical function and it is in the core of many cognitive, motoric, adaptive abilities and skills. Attention helps the processing of information and it aims at executing the processing in a limited time frame. Everyday life functioning and learning of children with multiple disabilities is significantly determined by also the functions of attention. The goals of this paper were: to determine the prevalence of attention disorders (inattention and hyperactivity) in visually impaired children with mild intellectual disability (MID); to identify differences in the expression of attention disorders in visually impaired respondents with MID in relation to gender and to determine the correlations between attention disorders and adaptive behavior in respondents with MID and visually impaired respondents with MID. The study was conducted on a sample of 221 respondents with MID, aged 4 to 21 year. From that sample, 12 children who, in addition to intellectual disability, also have visual impairment, was selected. In that subsample there were six male and six female respondents. Attention disorders were examined by applying teacher’s form of Achenbach questionnaire (Achenbach System of Empiricaly Based Assessment, Teacher’s Report Form; Achenbach, Rescorla, 2001). Attention disorders scale has been divided into two subscales – inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. Also, the part of the questionnaire that assesses adaptive behavior of respondents was used. Result analysis showed that subjects with low vision and MID were more inclined to express inattention in relation to hyperactivity, but between the manifestation of inattention (t=0,964, df=10, p=0,358) and the manifestation of hyperactivity (t=2,906, df=10, p=0,016) there were no statistically significant differences. Also, we have not detected differences in the expression of behavior problems among boys and girls (t=1,609, df=10, p=0,139). It was found that MID has a greater impact on the occurrence of attention disorders than visual impairment. The research results showed that attention disorders are manifested by respondents whose adaptive abilities are lower.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova– „Problemi u adaptivnom funkcionisanju osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću”,Beograd,2014
dc.subjectslabovido dete
dc.subjectlaka intelektualna ometenost
dc.subjectvisually impaired child
dc.subjectmild intellectual disability
dc.titlePoremećaji pažnje kod slabovide dece sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleAttention disorders in visually impaired children with mild intellectual disability
dc.citation.other: 79-104



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