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Differences in patterns of internet use for adolescent Internet addicts and non-addicts

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorKovačević Jasmina
dc.contributorMaćešić-Petrović Dragana
dc.creatorNešić, Marija
dc.creatorBukvić, Lidija
dc.creatorĐurić, Slađana
dc.description.abstractPitanje nastajanja i održavanja internet-zavisnosti je poslednjih godina predmet značajnog interesovanja naučne i stručne javnosti. Za potrebe izvođenja zaključaka o indikatorima javljanja internet-zavisnosti, postavljeno je istraživanje usmereno na utvrđivanje razlika u obrascima upotrebe interneta kod adolescenata koji se mogu smatrati internet-zavisnicima i onih čije korišćenje interneta nema karakter zavisničkog ponašanja. Podaci su prikupljeni na uzorku od 814 učenika starijih razreda iz devet beogradskih osnovnih škola, oba pola. Prisustvo zavisnosti od interneta procenjeno je Testom internetzavisnosti (IAT), dok su obrasci upotrebe interneta sagledani preko varijabli koje opisuju obim u kome učenici koriste internet. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da 32.4% učenika, prema kriterijumima IAT-a, ispunjava uslove za dijagnostikovanje zavisnosti od interneta. Statistički značajne razlike u obrascima upotrebe interneta, između učenika koji su zavisni od interneta i onih kojih to nisu, utvrđene su na svim ispitivanim varijablama: dužina, χ2 (2, N=814)=61.75, p=.000; učestalost, χ2 (3, N=814)=71.51, p=.000; i intenzitet korišćenja interneta, χ2 (4, N=814)=211.80, p=.000. Procentualno posmatrano, 74% zavisnika u odnosu na 47% nezavisnika koristi internet duže od tri godine; za 30% više zavisnika nego nezavisnika svakodnevno posećuje internet; a svega 3% nezavisnika i čak 35% zavisnika provodi na internetu više od četiri sata dnevno. Osim toga, utvrđeno je da zavisnici koriste internet tokom cele nedelje (68%), dok nezavisnici to čine prevashodno vikendom (45%), χ2 (2, N=814)=56.01, p=.000. Može se zaključiti da intenzivnija, učestalija i duža upotreba interneta stoji u vezi sa javljanjem simptoma internet-zavisnosti u periodu adolescencije, te da je, sa preventivnog aspekta, nužno primeniti intervencije usmerene na pružanje alternative i ograničavanje vremena koje se provodi na internetu.
dc.description.abstractThe issue of the formation and maintenance of the Internet Addiction is the subject of considerable interest of the scientific and professional community in recent years. For the purpose of drawing conclusions about indicators of occurrence of the Internet addiction, the study was set up with a focus on determining differences in patterns of Internet use among adolescents, which can be considered as Internet addicts and on the other hand, those whose Internet use does not have the character of addictive behavior. Data were collected on a sample of 814 higher grade students from nine Belgrade`s elementary schools, both sexes. The presence of Internet addiction was assessed with Internet Addiction Test (IAT), while the patterns of Internet use are viewed through variables that describe the scope in which students use the Internet. Research results show that 32.4% of students, according to the IAT criteria, meet the requirements for the diagnosis of the Internet addiction. Statistically significant differences were found in patterns of Internet use among students which are addicted to the Internet and those who did not, in all tested variables: length, χ2 (2, N=814)=61.75, p=.000; frequency, χ2 (3, n=814)=71.51, p=.000; and intensity of Internet use, χ2 (4, N=814)=211.80, p=.000. In percentage terms, 74% of addicts compared to 47% non-addicts use the Internet more than three years; 30% more addicts visit daily the Internet in comparison to non-addicts; and only 3% nonaddicts and even 35% of addicts spend time on the Internet for more than four hours a day. In addition, it was found that addicts use the Internet during the whole week (68%), while non-addicts are on the Internet primarily on weekends (45%), χ2 (2, N=814)=56.01, p=.000. It can be concluded that more intense, more frequent and longer Internet use stands in relation with reporting symptoms of Internet addiction in adolescence, and from the aspect of prevention, interventions aimed at providing alternatives and limit the time spent on the Internet are necessary to use.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 8. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Beograd, Srbija, 7-9. 11. 2014
dc.subjectrizični faktori
dc.subjectupotreba interneta
dc.subjectInternet addiction
dc.subjectrisk factors
dc.subjectInternet use
dc.titleRazlike u obrascima upotrebe interneta kod adolescentnih internet-zavisnika i nezavisnikasr
dc.titleDifferences in patterns of internet use for adolescent Internet addicts and non-addicts
dc.citation.other: 219-224



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