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Aggressive behaviour in children with moderate intellectual disability

dc.contributorVuković Mile
dc.contributorJapundža-Milisavljević Mirjana
dc.creatorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.creatorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.description.abstractAgresija u detinjstvu i adolescenciji je vezana za brojne negativne ishode. Navodi se da je učestalost agresivnih ponašanja veća kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću nego u populaciji tipičnog razvoja, kao i da su ona primarni razlog smeštanja ovih osoba u institucije i glavni razlog zbog koga im se prepisuju antipsihotici. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da utvrdi stepen agresivnog ponašanja kod dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću, kao i moguću povezanost agresivnog ponašanja sa polom i hronološkim uzrastom ispitanika. Uzorak čini 151 ispitanik oba pola. Celokupan uzorak podeljen je na dva poduzorka. Prvi čini 48 ispitanika sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću – 30 (62,50%) dečaka i 18 (37,50%) devojčica, uzrasta od 10 do 14 godina (AS=12,77; SD=1,66). Kontrolnu grupu čine 103 ispitanika tipičnog razvoja – 47 (45,63%) muškog i 56 (54,37%) ženskog pola, uzrasta od 10 do 14 godina (AS=12,14; SD=1,44). U istraživanju je korišćena nastavnička forma Ahenbahovog sistema empirijski bazirane procene (podskala Agresivno ponašanje). Sirovi skorovi su transformisani u T skorove. Granične vrednosti na podskali Agresivno ponašanje bazirane su na distribuciji T skorova u kontrolnoj grupi. Ispitinaci sa vrednostima T skorova koji se kreću u rasponu od 93. do 97. percentila (tj. između 55 i 75) imaju graničan nalaz, dok su vrednosti T skorova više od 97. percentila (>75) klinički značajne. U ovom istraživanju 13 (27,08%) dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću i (7,77%) tipično razvijene dece ima granične nalaze na podskali za procenu agresivnog ponašanja. Osim toga, kod dvoje (4,17%) dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću i četvoro (3,88%) dece iz kontrolne grupe ostvareni skorovi klinički su značajni. Ispitanici sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću imaju statistički značajno veće skorove na podskali Agresivno ponašanje u odnosu na ispitanike iz kontrolne grupe (t=-4,538; df=149; p<0,001). Rezultati Man-Vitnijevog U testa pokazuju da su dečaci agresivniji od devojčica, kako u poduzorku dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću (U=148; z=-1,227; p=0,009), tako i u poduzorku ispitanika očuvanih intelektualnih sposobnosti (U=898; z=-2,818; p=0,005). Nasuprot tome, nisu pronađene razlike u agresivnom ponašanju ispitanika različitog uzrasta, ni u poduzorku ispitanika sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću ((F(3,44)=0,319; p=0,812)), niti u kontrolnoj grupi ((F(3,99)=1,826; p=0,417)). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na primenu komunikacijske i kognitivnobihejvioralne intervencije u preventivne i terapijske svrhe kod ove populacije.
dc.description.abstractAggression in childhood and adolescence is related to a number of negative outcomes. It is noted that the frequency of aggressive behaviours in persons with intellectual disability is higher than in typically developing persons and that these behaviours are the primary reason for their placement in residential institutions and the main reason for prescribing antipsychotics. The objective of this research was to determine the level of aggressive behaviour in children with moderate intellectual disability, and its possible relationship with participants’ sex and chronological age. The sample consisted of 151 participants of both sexes. The whole sample was divided into two subsets. The first subset consisted of 48 participants with moderate intellectual disability – 30 (62.50%) boys and 18 (37.50%) girls, aged from 10 to 14 (M=12,77; SD=1,66). The control group consisted of 103 participants – 47 (45.63%) boys and 56 (54.37%) girls, aged from 10 to 14 (M=12,77; SD=1,44). The teacher form of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (syndrome subscale Aggressive Behaviour) was used in this research. The raw scores were transformed into T scores. The cutpoints for the Aggressive Behaviour subscale were based on T scores distribution in the control group. Borderline range span from the 93rd to 97th percentile (55 through 75), while the T scores above the 97th percentile (>75) are considered to be clinically significant. It was revealed that 13 (27.08%) children with moderate intellectual disability and 8 (7.77%) typically developing children are in the borderline range. In addition, 2 (4.17%) participants with moderate intellectual disability and 4 (3.88%) participants from the control group are in the clinical range. Participants with moderate intellectual disability obtained significantly higher scores on Aggressive Behaviour subscale compared to the control group (t= - 4.538; df=149; p<0.001). The results of the Mann-Whitney U test indicate that males in both subsets are more aggressive than females (U=148; z=-1.227; p=0.009 and U=898; z=- 2.818; p=0.005, for the children with moderate intellectual disability and the control group, respectively). On the contrary, differences in aggressive behaviour according to the participants’ chronological age were observed neither in children with moderate intellectual disability ((F(3,44)=0.319; p=0.812)), nor in the control group ((F(3,99)=1.826; p=0.417)). The results point out the importance of communication and cognitivebehavioral interventions in preventive and therapeutic purposes.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova– „Problemi u adaptivnom funkcionisanju osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću”,Beograd,2014
dc.subjectintelektualna ometenost
dc.subjectintellectual disability
dc.titleAgresivnost dece sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleAggressive behaviour in children with moderate intellectual disability



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