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Assessing support needs in adults with intellectual disability

dc.contributorGligorović Milica
dc.creatorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.creatorĐorđević, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractOvo istraživanje je imalo za cilj utvrđivanje oblasti u kojima odrasle osobe sa intelektualnom ometenošću imaju najizraženiju potrebu za podrškom, kao i da li postoje značajne razlike u potrebi za podrškom u odnosu na pol, hronološku dob ili težinu intelektualne ometenosti. Uzorak je činilo 50 ispitanika sa intelektualnom ometenošću. Primenjena je Skala potrebe za podrškom. Na nivou čitavog uzorka, pokazalo se da je najizraženija potreba za podrškom u poslovnim i aktivnostima doživotnog učenja, dok je najmanji stepen podrške potreban u aktivnostima života u kući. U odnosu na pol i starosnu dob nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike u pogledu potrebe za podrškom. Kada je reč o težini intelektualne ometenosti, dobijeni nalzi ukazuju na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između ispitivanih grupa u potrebi za podrškom pri aktivnostima u zajednici, aktivnostima doživotnog učenja, poslovnim aktivnostima i aktivnostima vezanim za zdravlje i bezbednost.
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed at identifying of the areas in which adults with intellectual disabilities have the most prominent support needs, as well as whether there are significant differences in the support needs in relation to gender, chronological age, or severity of intellectual disability. The sample consisted of 50 participants with intellectual disability. The Support Needs Scale was used. Within the entire sample, it turned out that the most prominent support needs are in the occupational and lifelong learning activities; while the lowest support needs level is recorded in the area of home living activities. In relation to gender and age, no statistically significant differences were found in terms of support needs. Regarding the severity of intellectual disability, the obtained results indicate that there are statistically significant differences between the examined groups according their support needs in community activities, lifelong learning activities, occupational activities and activities related to health and safety.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova –2. Naučni skup, „Stremljenja i novine u Specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd, 28. decembar 2012
dc.subjectposlovne aktivnosti
dc.subjectdoživotno učenje
dc.subjectoccupational activities
dc.subjectlifelong learning
dc.titleProcena potrebe za podrškom kod odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleAssessing support needs in adults with intellectual disability



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