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Acoustic analysis of tremor in voices of vocal professionals

dc.contributorGligorović Milica
dc.creatorPetrović-Lazić, Mirjana
dc.creatorVuković, Mile
dc.creatorŠehović, Ivana
dc.creatorKaljača, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractKompjuterska laboratorija za analizu glasa omogućava najpreciznije prepoznavanje i sintezu parametara glasa. Tremor kao akustički parameter glasa predstavlja nepoželjno i nepravilno podrhtavanje glasa i direktno utiče na njegov kvalitet, iz tih razloga je značajno pratiti vrednosti ovog parametra. Glas kod vokalnih profesionalaca je više izložen oštećenjima zbog specifičnih uslova rada i glasovnog opterećenja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispitaju akustičke karakteristike tremora u glasu kod predavača pre i posle vokalnog zamora, kao i povezanost parametara glasa sa dužinom radnog staža, starosti ispitanika i pušačkim statusom. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 120 ispitanika, ženskog pola, životne dobi 25-59god. U istraživanju je bila korišćena Kompjuterska laboratorija za analizu glasa, model 4300, «Kay Elemetrics» korporacije. Prilikom obrade podataka korišćene su metode deskriptivne i parametrijske statistike. U proveri razlika među grupama i u ponovljenim merenjima unutar grupe primenjeni su jednofaktorska analiza varijanse (ANOVA) i t-test za zavisne uzorke, dok je povezanost među varijablama ispitivan računanjem Pirsonovog koeficijenta korelacije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su razlike u vrednostima parametara tremora u glasu pre i posle vokalnog zamora kod predavača visoko statistički značajne (p<0.01). U eksperimentalnoj grupi postoje statistički značajne razlike u vrednostima parametara tremora (VTI i SPI) pre i posle vokalnog zamora. Promena vrednosti parametra VTI i SPI ukazuju na prisustvo turbulencija u glasu koje su uzrokovane nepotpunim zatvaranjem glasnica ili njihovom opuštenošću
dc.description.abstractComputer lab for voice analysis allows the most accurate recognition and synthesis of voice parameters. Tremor as an acoustic parameter of voice represents an undesirable and improper voice trembling and directly affects its quality, which is why it is important to monitor the value of this parameter. The voices of vocal professionals are more likely to be harmed due to specific work conditions and voice load. The goal of this study was to investigate acoustic characteristics of tremor in the voices of teachers before and after vocal fatigue, as well as the correlation between voice parameters and the length of service, age and smoking status. The research was conducted on 120 female subjects, aged between 25 and 59. The Computer Lab for Voice Analysis, model 4300, “Kay Elemetrics” Corporation, was used in this study. Methods of descriptive and parametric statistics were used for data processing. Single Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test for paired samples were used for controlling the differences between groups and for repeated measurements within groups, while the correlation between variables was investigated by calculating the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. The research results show that the differences in parameter values of tremor in the voices before and after vocal fatigue in teachers are highly statistically significant (p <0.01). According to the research results, there were statistically significant differences in the values of tremor parameters (VTI and SPI) before and after vocal fatigue in the experimental group. The change in values of VTI and SPI parameters indicates the presence of voice turbulence caused by incomplete closure of vocal cords and their relaxation.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179068/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova –2. Naučni skup, „Stremljenja i novine u Specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd, 28. decembar 2012
dc.subjectakustička analiza glasa
dc.subjecttremor u glasu
dc.subjectvokalni profesionalci
dc.subjectacoustic analysis of voice
dc.subjectvoice tremor
dc.subjectvocal professionals
dc.titleAkustička analiza tremora u glasu kod vokalnih profesionalacasr
dc.titleAcoustic analysis of tremor in voices of vocal professionals
dc.citation.other: 57-69



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