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Aggressive forms of behavior in persons with intellectual disabilities

dc.contributorGligorović Milica
dc.creatorBanković, Slobodan
dc.creatorĐorđević, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractUnutar šireg spektra problematičnog ponašanja, proučavanje agresivnog ponašanja osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću (IO) ima poseban značaj. Osim relativno visoke prevalencije agresivnog ponašanja, saopštene u pojedinim istraživanjima, u literaturi su navedene i brojne moguće negativne posledice takvog ponašanja. Cilj ovog rada je da se, uvidom u dostupnu literaturu, ukaže na zastupljenost agresivnog ponašanja u populaciji osoba sa IO, kao i na faktore koji dovode do razlika u saopštenoj prevalenciji tog ponašanja. Takođe, prikazane su izvesne individualne i kontekstualne karakteristike koje se mogu povezati sa agresivnošću osoba sa IO. Prema rezultatima pojedinih istraživanja, prevalencija agresivnog ponašanja u populaciji osoba sa IO kreće se u opsegu od 2% do 51,8%. Ovako širok raspon može se u velikoj meri objasniti metodološkim razlikama u istraživanjima usmerenim na ovaj problem, ali i operacionalizacijom agresivnog ponašanja. Istraživanja ukazuju na to da su izvesne individualne varijable, poput pola, uzrasta, nivoa IO, dijagnoze autizma, nivoa razvijenosti komunikacionih veština i veština samoposluživanja, povezane sa ispoljavanjem agresivnosti. Iako, sa jedne strane, prevalencija agresivnog ponašanja u populaciji osoba sa IO varira u širokom opsegu, sa druge strane, veliki broj osoba sa IO ne ispoljava agresivno ponašanje. Međutim, kako su istraživanja, u kojima se pronalazi povezanost pojedinih varijabli i agresivnog ponašanja, uglavnom korelacionog tipa, za sada nije moguće izvesti pouzdane zaključke o uticaju tih varijabli na ispoljavanje agresivnosti kod osoba sa IO.
dc.description.abstractWithin the wide variety of problematic behavior, the study of aggressive behavior of persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) has a particular importance. Besides the relatively high prevalence of aggressive behavior represented in some researches, the literature also indicates numerous possible negative consequences of such behavior. The aim of this work is to indicate, by examining the available literature, the presence of aggressive behavior in the population of persons with ID, as well as the factors which lead to differences in the represented prevalence of such behavior. Also, some individual and contextual characteristics which can be associated with the aggressiveness of people with ID are shown. According to the results of some researches, the range of aggressive behavior prevalence in the population of persons with ID is from 2% to 51.8%. Such a wide range can be explained by methodological differences in researches focusing on this problem, and also by the operational definition of aggressive behavior. Researches indicate that some of the individual variables are associated with the expressions of aggression, such as sex, age, level of ID, diagnosis of autism, level of development of communication skills and self-service skills. Although, on one hand, the prevalence of aggressive behavior in the population of persons with ID varies widely, on the other hand, a large number of persons with ID do not express aggressive behavior. However, since the researches where the relation between individual variables and aggressive behavior can be found are mostly correlative, for now is not possible to draw reliable conclusions about the influence of this variable on the expressions of aggressiveness in persons with ID.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik radova –2. Naučni skup, „Stremljenja i novine u Specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Beograd, 28. decembar 2012
dc.subjectintelektualna ometenost
dc.subjectintellectual disabilities
dc.titleZastupljenost agresivnih oblika ponašanja u populaciji osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošćusr
dc.titleAggressive forms of behavior in persons with intellectual disabilities
dc.citation.other: 179-186



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