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Structural aspects of language in children with Asperger syndrome

dc.contributorGlumbić Nenad
dc.contributorVučinić Vesna
dc.creatorGlumbić, Nenad
dc.creatorĐorđević, Mirjana
dc.creatorBrojčin, Branislav
dc.description.abstractIako većina dece sa Aspergerovim sindromom ovladava jezičkim veštinama bez naročitog zakašnjenja način njihove komunikacije je atipičan. Pored značajnih pragmatskih poremećaja, deca sa Aspergerovim sindromom mogu imati izvesne poteškoće i u ovladavanju strukturalnim aspektima jezičkih funkcija. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvr􀃿ivanje nivoa govorne, sintaksičke i semantičke organizacije kod dece sa Aspergerovim sindromom. Uzorak čini 18 ispitanika sa Aspergerovim sindromom (17 dečaka i jedna devojčica), uzrasta izme􀃿u 5,5 i 17 god. (AS=10,1; SD=3,65). Strukturalni aspekti jezika utvr􀃿eni su primenom podskala: Govor, Sintaksa i Semantika Komunikacione čekliste za decu. Svaka od navedenih skala sastoji se iz sedam ajtema. Sirovi skorovi, dobijeni sabiranjem skorova pojedinačnih ajtema, konvertovani su u skalirane skorove. Aritmetička sredina skaliranih skorova neurotipične dece je 10, a standardna devijacija 3. Pokazalo se da su srednje vrednosti skaliranih skorova značajno niže od maksimalnih 10 za sve tri podskale: Govor (AS=5,67; SD=3,38), Sintaksa (AS=5,72; SD=4,11) i Semantika (AS=6,00; SD=4,27). Dobijeni nalazi ukazuju na neophodnost poboljšanja dijagnostičkih kriterijuma za Aspergerov sindrom. Široko prihvaćeno mišljenje o urednom razvoju strukturalnih aspekata jezika kod ove dece može biti dovedeno u pitanje.
dc.description.abstractAlthough most of the children with Asperger syndrome acquire language skills without significant delay their communication patterns are atypical. In addition to significant pragmatic impairments, children with Asperger syndrome may also have difficulties in structural aspects of language functions. The objective of this research was to determine level of speech, syntax and semantic organization in children with Asperger syndrome. The sample consisted of 18 participants with Asperger syndrome (17 of them were boys), aged from 5.5 to 17 years (M=10.1; SD=3.65). Structural aspects of language were determined using subscales Speech, Syntax and Semantic of the Children’s Communication Checklist. Each scale consists of seven items. Raw scores were obtained by summing items scores and then, they were converted to scaled scores. In neurotypical children mean values of the scaled scores are 10 (SD=3). It was revealed that mean values of the scaled scores are significantly below 10 for all three subscales: Speech (M=5.67; SD=3.38), Syntax (M=5.72; SD=4.11); Semantic (M=6.0; SD=4.27). These results, in addition to many others, point out necessity of improving diagnostic criteria for Asperger syndrome. Widely accepted idea of regular structural language development in these children happens to be questionable.
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179017/RS//"
dc.sourceZbornik radova - 5. Međunarodni naučni skup „Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija danas“, Zlatibor, 24-27. septembar 2011.
dc.subjectpervazivni poremećaji razvoja
dc.subjectautistički spektar
dc.subjectpervasive developmental disorders
dc.subjectautism spectrum
dc.titleStrukturalni aspekti jezika kod dece sa Aspergerovim sindromomsr
dc.titleStructural aspects of language in children with Asperger syndrome
dc.citation.other: 321-326



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