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Studies on the effects of visual impairment on self-concept as a starting point for creating intervention programs

dc.contributorKovačević Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić Vesna
dc.creatorStanimirović, Dragana
dc.creatorMijatović, Luka
dc.creatorSavanović, Ljubomir
dc.description.abstractSelf-koncept (samopoimanje) je sistem verovanja i stavova koje svaka osoba ima o sebi (Francis, 1996). Dimenzije ovog pojma autori operacionalizuju na različite načine, ali se uglavnom slažu da se sastoji od fizičkog, emocionalnog, socijalnog i bihevioralnog aspekta. Vid i interpersonalni odnosi umnogome utiču na razvoj pojma o sebi. Cook-Clampert (1981) opisuje razvoj samopoimanja kod vizuelno oštećenih i postavlja pitanja za buduća istraživanja. Empirijski radovi još uvek nisu dali odgovore na ta pitanja. Postoji nekoliko standardizovanih instrumenata koji su najčešće korišćeni: Tennessee Self-concept Scale, Lipsitt Self-concept Scale i Piers-Harris Selfconcept Scale. Najčešće su proučavane razlike u samopoimanju osoba sa i bez oštećenja vida, dok se u novijim radovima veća pažnja poklanja antecedentima i efektima samopoimanja kod vizuelno oštećenih. Dok su programi počev od 60-ih godina bili usmereni isključivo na menjanje slike o telu (body-image), tj. fizički aspekt, u novije vreme, prema Dodds-u (1994), fokus je na veštinama razvijanja pozitivnih aspekata samopoimanja, sticanju samopoštovanja i unutrašnjeg lokusa kontrole. Primetna su poboljšanja u istraživanjima u pogledu metodološke preciznosti; multidimenzionalnosti; veze sa interventnim programima odnosno merenjem njihovih efekata i promene paradigme od modela oštećenja ka modelu izazova.
dc.description.abstractSelf-concept is a system of beliefs and attitudes that each person has about themselves (Francis, 1996). Dimensions of this term can be considered in different ways, but there is general agreement that it consists of physical, emotional, social and behavioral aspects. Vision and interpersonal relationships greatly influence the development of the self-concept. Cook-Clampert (1981) described the development of self-concept of visually impaired people, and raised questions for future research. Empirical works have not yet provided answers to these questions because they are much more engaged in adolescents and adults. There are several standardized instruments that are commonly used: Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, Lipsitt Self-Concept Scale and the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale. Differences in the self-concepts of persons with and without visual impairments were studied most frequently, while in later works, more attention is paid to antecedents and effects of self-concepts of visually impaired. While the programs from the 60’s focused solely on changing the image of the body, i.e. physical aspect, in recent years, as in Dodds (1994), the focus is on skills development of positive aspects of self, gaining self-esteem and internal locus of control. There are noticeable improvements in research in terms of methodological accuracy, multidimensionality, relations with intervention programs and their effects measuring and changes of paradigm from the model of damage to model of challenge.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo II / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010
dc.subjectoštećenje vida
dc.subjectinterventni programi
dc.subjectvisual impairment
dc.subjectintervention programs
dc.titleProučavanje efekata oštećenja vida na samopoimanje kao polazna osnova za kreiranje interventnih programasr
dc.titleStudies on the effects of visual impairment on self-concept as a starting point for creating intervention programs
dc.citation.other: 213-225



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