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Application of telescopic loupes in rehabilitation of low vision patients

dc.contributorKovačević Jasmina
dc.contributorVučinić Vesna
dc.creatorStamenković, Dragomir
dc.creatorStankov, Branko
dc.description.abstractOsoba čija je najbolje korigovana oštrina vida (BCVA), naočarima ili kontaktnim sočivima, manja od 1.0 (Snellen tabela) smatra se osobom sa subnormalnim vidom. Pomagala za slabovidost (LVA) u formi teleskopskih lupa je najpodesnija opcija za rehabilitaciju vida ovih pacijenata. Različiti uzroci slabovidosti koji se tretiraju u našem LVA centru su: starčka degeneracija makule (ARMD), distrofija i ruptura makule. ARMD je glavni uzrok poremećaja centralnog vida kod ljudi starijih od 50 godina. Na osnovu WHO kriterijuma razlikujemo tri kategorije slabovidosti: (I) – BCVA na boljem oku između 0.3 i 01; (II) – BCVA na boljem oku između 0.1 i 0.05; (III) – BCVA na boljem oku između 0.05 i 0.02 ili vidno polje manje od 5°-10° bez obzira na oštrinu vida. Bazični optički sistem kod teleskpskog sistema zasnovan je na primeni Galilejevog teleskopa koji se sastoji od objektiva (sabirno sočivo) i okulara (rasipno sočivo). Postoje dva osnovna tipa teleskopskih sistema: za blizinu i za daljinu. Teleskpski sistemi za blizinu koriste se u formi naočara i mogu biti monokularni i binokularni. Najčešće korišćeni sistemi su sa uvećanjem od 2 do 8 puta. Teleskopski sistemi za daljinu takođe mogu biti monokularni i binokularni sa uvećanjem od 2 do 4 puta. Rad sa slabovidim pacijentima je složen i zahteva izuzetnu stručnost i strpljenje. Naš multidisciplinarni tim sastavljen je od oftalmologa, defektologa- tiflologa i optičara. Njihov cilj je: Odabir optimalnog teleskopskog sistema za svakog pacijenta posebno, na bazi detaljnog oftalmološkog nalaza. Obuka o pravilnom korišćenju odabranog teleskopskog sistema, koristeći pacijentovu visoku motivaciju za rehabilitacijom vida. Za određivanje vidne oštrine slabovidih pacijenata koristili smo tablice Keeler-ove A serije. Rad prikazuje rezultate postignute primenom Keeler teleskopskih sistema za blizinu.
dc.description.abstractPerson whose best corrected visual acuity (BVCA), with eye glasses or contact lenses, is less than 1.0 (Snellen Chart) is considered to be a person with subnormal vision. Low Vision Aid (LVA) in form of telescopic loupes is the most viable option for visual rehabilitation of these patients. Different causes of low vision that are treated in our LVA centre are: age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), macular dystrophy, macular hole. ARMD is a major cause of central visual impairment in older people (>50 y/o) Based on WHO criteria we differ tree categories of low vision: (I) – BCVA on better eye between 0.3 and 0.1; (II) – BCVA on better eye between 0.1 and 0.05; (III) – BCVA on better eye between 0.05 and 0.02 or visual field smaller than 5°- 10° regardless of visual acuity. Basic optical principle in telescopic systems is based on application of Galilean telescope which consists of objective (gathering lens) and eye-piece (divergent lens). There are two basic types of telescopic systems: for near and for distance vision. Telescopic systems for near vision are used as eyeglasses and can be monocular and binocular. The most frequently used systems are with magnification from 2 to 8 times. Telescopic systems for distance vision can also be monocular and binocular with magnification from 2 to 4 times. Work with low vision patients is complex and requires exceptional competence and patience. Our Multidisciplinary team consists of ophthalmologist, special educator for rehabilitation of visual disorders and optician. Their objective is: 􀁴􀀁 Based on detailed ophthalmologist’s findings, select the optimal telescopic system for each patient individually. 􀁴􀀁 Training, using patient’s high motivation for visual rehabilitation, on the proper usage of the selected telescopic system. For determination of patient’s visual acuity we used A-serial Keller Charts. This work presents results accomplished by application of Keeler system for near vision.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „ Smetnje i poremećaji: fenomenologija, prevencija i tretman deo II / Disabilities and Disorders: Phenomenology, Prevention and Treatment Part I I “,Beograd / Belgrade 2010
dc.subjectmacular degeneration
dc.subjectLow Vision Add
dc.subjecttelescopic loupes
dc.subjectdegeneracija makule
dc.subjectpomagala za slabovidost
dc.subjectteleskopske lupe
dc.titlePrimena teleskopskih lupa u rehabilitaciji slabovidih pacijenatasr
dc.titleApplication of telescopic loupes in rehabilitation of low vision patients



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