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Visual memory of spatial relations of hearing impaired children of younger school age

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić Zorica
dc.creatorRadić-Šestić, Marina
dc.description.abstractSpacijalna inteligencija ili spacijalna sposobnost je sposobnost manipulisanja podacima koji su predstavljeni u vizuelnom, shematskom ili simboličkom obliku, za razliku od verbalno-jezičkog modaliteta. Ona se može manifestovati kao posebna sklonost za prostornu komunikaciju i mišljenje. Spacijalna inteligencija uključuje sposobnost razumevanja i predstavljanja vizuelno-spacijalnog sveta realno. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj oštećenja sluha, uzrasta i pola na vizuelno pamćenje prostornih odnosa objekata na crtežima.Uzorak čine 60 učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta, podeljenih u dve grupe, eksperimentalnu (EG) i kontrolnu grupu (KG). Pored broja učenika i pola, grupe su ujednačene po uzrastu i intelektualnim sposobnostima. Učenici EG redovno pohađaju nastavu u osnovnoj školi za decu oštećenog sluha – nagluve “Stefan Dečanski”, Beograd. Učenici KG redovno pohađaju nastavu u osnovnoj školi “Stari Grad” i “Branislav Nušić” u Beogradu. Za procenu prostornih odnosa u crtežima dece oštećenog sluha mlađeg školskog uzrasta koristili smo: crtež sa temom “Drvo iza kuće”, “Dve šolje” (Mati-Zisi, Zafiropoulou, 2004), crtež geometrijske figure (pojednostavljen model Rey Osterreith Complex Figure). Rezultati našeg istraživanja su pokazali da učenici oštećenog sluha bolje predstavljaju šolje u linearnom nizu levo-desno i bolje reprodukuju geometrijski crtež po sećanju. Učenici urednog sluha su bolji u prikazivanju odnosa veličine objekata na crtežu “Drvo iza kuće” i prikazivanju drške na šoljama. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo reći da se kod gluve dece vizuelna pažnja, memorija i vizuelno-prostorne sposobnosti razvijaju drugačije od njihovih vršnjaka.
dc.description.abstractSpatial intelligence and spatial ability is the ability to manipulate the data are presented in visual, schematic or symbolic form, as opposed to the verballinguistic modalities It can be manifested as a special ability for communication and spatial thinking. Spatial intelligence includes the ability of understanding and visual representation of real-world. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of hearing impairment, age and sex of the visual memory of spatial relations of objects on drawing. Sample are 60 pupils of younger school age, divided into two groups, experimental (EG) and control group (KG). In addition to the number of students and sex, groups were matched for age and intellectual abilities. EG students regularly attend primary school for children with hearing impairment - “Stefan Dečanski”, Belgrade. KG students regularly attend prim ary school “Old Town” and “Branislav Nušić” in Belgrade. For the evaluation of spatial relations in drawings for hearing impaired children of younger school age, we use: drawing on the theme “The tree behind the house,” Two cups “(Mati-Zisi, Zafiropoulou, 2004), drawing of geometric figures (simplified model Osterreith Rey Complex Figure). The results of our research showed that students with hearing impairment are successful drawing cups in the linear series of left-right and played better geometric drawings by rote. Orderly hearing students are in a better impression of the size of objects in the drawing “Tree behind the house” and showing the handle cup. Based on the obtained results we can say that the deaf children with visual attention, memory and visual-spatial abilities develop differently from their peers.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009
dc.subjectprostorni odnosi
dc.subjectvizuelno pamćenje
dc.subjectdeca oštećenog sluha
dc.subjectspatial relations
dc.subjectvisual memory
dc.subjectchildren with hearing impairment
dc.titleVizuelno pamćenje prostornih odnosa dece oštećenog sluha mlađeg školskog uzrastasr
dc.titleVisual memory of spatial relations of hearing impaired children of younger school age
dc.citation.other: 361-376

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