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The opinion of visually impaired high school students about education in mainstream schools

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić Zorica
dc.creatorJablan, Branka
dc.creatorJolić, Zorana
dc.creatorGrbović, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractInkluzija podrazumeva fleksibilan sistem u kome se polazi od toga da sva deca mogu da uče. Kao jedan od osnovnih preduslova uspešnosti inkluzivnog pristupa u obrazovanju ističe se spremnost škole za uvođenje inkluzivne obrazovne prakse, odnosno zainteresovanost, sposobnost i volja školske zajednice da primeni model inkluzivnog obrazovanja. S druge strane, deca ometena u razvoju uključivanjem u vaspitno-obrazovni proces i institucije postaju zainteresovana za pripadanje grupi vršnjaka sa kojima dele mišljenja, interesovanja, aktivnosti i stavove. Cilj rada je da utvrdimo na koji način srednjoškolci s oštećenjem vida, koji se obrazuju u redovnom školskom sistemu, percipiraju i ocenjuju rad nastavnika, opremljenost škole, odnose sa vršnjacima i dostupnu pomoć u školovanju. Prema odgovorima ispitanika najveće teškoće u obrazovanju predstavljaju prilagođavanje i uklapanje u novu školsku sredinu i savladavanju školskog gradiva. Kao teškoću, deca izdvajaju i način rada nastavnika, ali naglašavaju i njihovu spremnost da im omoguće dodatne pogodnosti (prilagođavaju brzinu izlaganja, pokazuju spremnost za dodatne konsultacije u vezi gradiva i izmene u načinu ocenjivanja njihovog znanja). Učenici smatraju da su bolje prihvaćeni od strane vršnjaka sa oštećenjem vida i da se skoro nikada za pomoć ne obraćaju vršnjacima bez oštećenja vida. Pomoć personalnog asistenta nema nijedan učenik.
dc.description.abstractInclusion demands a flexible system based on the presumption that all children are capable of learning. One of the main prerequisites of a successful inclusive approach in education is the school’s willingness to introduce inclusive educational practices, i.e. the interest, ability, and desire of the school community to apply an inclusive educational model. On the other hand, by being made a part of the educational process and its institutions children with developmental problems become more interested in assimilating with peers, whose opinions, interests, ativities, and views they share. The purpose of our work is to find out how visually impaired high school students, who are educated in mainstream schools, perceive and assess the work of their teachers, school facilities, relations with peers, and educational assistance available in the course of their education. According to the responses of the interviewed students, their main difficulties in education are adjustment to the new school environment and keeping up with the school curriculum. One of the problems cited is the teachers’ manner of work, although the students pointed out that teachers were ready and willing to make allowances and adjustments to suit the student’s needs (by modifying the speed of their presentation, being available for additional consultations regarding the curriculum, and adjusting the manner of grading the students’ knowledge). The students feel that they are more accepted by visually impaired peers and they never turn for assistance to peers who are not visually impaired. None of the students has a personal assistant.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „Istraživanja u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji / Research in Special Education and Rehabilitation“,Beograd / Belgrade,2009
dc.subjectdeca sa oštećenjem vida
dc.subjectobrazovanje u redovnoj školi
dc.subjectvisually impaired children
dc.subjectmainstream education
dc.titleMišljenje srednjoškolaca sa oštećenjem vida o obrazovanju u redovnoj školisr
dc.titleThe opinion of visually impaired high school students about education in mainstream schools
dc.citation.other: 469-481



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