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Lip-reading with deaf and hard of hearing children of pre-school age

dc.contributorMatejić-Đuričić Zorica
dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.creatorVujasinović, Zdravka
dc.description.abstractUčenje čitanja govora sa usana predstavlja specifičnost koja razlikuje vaspitno obrazovni rad kod dece oštećenog sluha i dece koja čuju. Govor se uči spontano, slušanjem. U odsustvu slušnih stimulansa gluva i nagluva deca su umnogome upućena na čitanje govora sa usana. Dete pažljivo prati pokrete usana lica koje govori. Na taj način stvara vidne slike o pokretima govornih organa koji učestvuju u artikulaciji. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitati nivo uspešnosti pri čitanju govora sa usana, reči i rečenica, kod gluve i nagluve dece predškolskog uzrasta. Ispitivali smo uspešnost pri čitanju govora sa usana u okviru sledećih oblasti: delovi tela, porodica, domaće i divlje životinje, odeća i obuća, voće i povrće, namirnice i piće, prevozna sredstva. Takođe, smo ispitivali usvojenost prvih prideva, glagola i zamenica koje deca treba da savladaju na ovom uzrastu, kao i uspešnost pri čitanju rečenica sa usana (odnosile su se na priču ”Deda i repa), koje smo proveravali smo putem slika. Uzorak se sastojao od 15 dece predškolskog uzrasta od 3 do 6 godina, koja pohađaju predškolska odeljenja pri školama ”Radivoj Popović” i ”Stefan Dečanski”. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se sa usana najbolje čitaju pojmovi iz oblasti porodica, a najslabije pojmovi iz oblasti povrće. Takođe, bolje se sa usana čitaju oni pojmovi koji su frekventniji i više se koriste, a koji postoje i u znakovnom jeziku dece.
dc.description.abstractLearning lip-reading represents a specific feature which differentiates the educational program with hearing-impaired children from the program with children who can hear. Speech is acquired spontaneously by listening. In the absence of auditory stimulus, deaf and hard of hearing children are largely initiated into lip-reading. The child follows attentively the movements of the lips of the person who speaks, thus creating visual images of movements of speech organs which are employed in articulation. The aim of our research was to examine the level of success in lipreading words and sentences with deaf and hard of hearing children of pre-school age. We examined the level of success in lip-reading into several groups: parts of the body, family, domestic and wild animals, clothes and footwear, fruit and vegetables, food and drink, means of transport. Also, we examined the level of success first adjectives, verbs and pronouns which pre-school children need to know. The level of success in lip-reading sentences (which related to the story called “A Grandpa and a Turnip”) was checked through pictures. The sample included 15 pre-school children between the ages of 3 and 6, who attended the pre-school classes at the “Radivoj Popović” School and “Stefan Dečanski” School. The obtained results indicate that words from group family is most successfully lip-read, while words from group vegetable is with lowest efficiency. Also, the terms which are more frequent and more often used, and which exist in children’s sign language as well, are better lip-read.
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju/ University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
dc.sourceZbornik radova - „U susret inkluziji – dileme u teoriji i praksi“,Zlatibor,2008
dc.subjectčitanje govora sa usana
dc.subjectvidljivost (čitljivost) glasova
dc.subjectgluva i nagluva deca
dc.subjectpredškolski uzrast
dc.subjectvisibility (readability) of speech sounds
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearing children
dc.subjectpre-school age
dc.titleČitanje govora sa usana kod gluve i nagluve dece predškolskog uzrastasr
dc.titleLip-reading with deaf and hard of hearing children of pre-school age
dc.citation.other: 311-326



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