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Kohlearna implantacija - pregled istraživanja EARS baterijom testova

dc.creatorOstojić, Sanja
dc.creatorĐoković, Sanja
dc.creatorMikić, Branka
dc.description.abstractPediatric cochlear implantation was introduced in 1990 and in Serbia in 2002. Evaluation of Auditory Response to Speech (EARS) is a test batery for evaluation of hearing and speech in both hearing and hearing impaired children. There is a special infant-todler (IT) test adapted for young children aged 0-24 months or hearing impaired children with hearing age less than 24 months called LittlEARS. The questionnaire comprises 35 questions which should be answered by parents following professional instructions. The test is descriptive and reflects auditory behavior of young children whether hearing or hearing impaired. EARS test has different subtest on hearing and speech in older children. The aim of this study was to review and compare the results of different investigations in our country and abroad in the period from 2000 to 2006.Comparison of the results in various studies have shown that the fastest improvement in hearing and speech is recorded in the first two years following cochlear implantation. Conclusion: LittlEARS Questionnaire is a useful tool for assessment of auditory development during first two years since switch on of the cochlear implant or hearing aid. The results of our study and studies abroad have shown that profoundly deaf cochlear implanted children have shown considerably better results as compared to their profoundly deaf peers wth hearing aids. Early implanted children, before age of 2, after two to three years of rehabilitation can achieve milestones for their hearing peers regarding speech and language development.en
dc.description.abstractDečja kohlearna implantacija počinje 1990. u svetu, a kod nas 2002. EARS (Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech) baterija testova je instrument za ispitivanje razvoja slušne i govorne funkcije kod čujuće dece, kao i dece oštećenog sluha. Postoji modifikacija za čujuću decu kalendarskog uzrasta 0-24m ili decu oštećenog sluha sa slušnim (auditivnim) uzrastom ispod 24 meseca, koja se zove LittlEARS. Namenjen je čujućoj i slušno oštećenoj populaciji, a sastavljen je od 35 pitanja za roditelje. Upitnici i sub-testovi ispituju razvoj govora, percepciju jednosložnih, dvosložnih i višesložnih reči i rečenica poznatog i nepoznatog konteksta. Cilj rada je da predstavimo rezultate istraživanja u Evropi i kod nas u periodu od 2000-06. Poredeći dobijene rezultate svih navedenih istraživanja, vidi se da se najveći napredak u razvoju funkcije slušanja vidi u prvih 24 m od prvog priključenja KI. Zaključak: LittlEARS baterija testova pokazala se kao validan instrument u ispitivanju sazrevanja auditivne percepcije i elemenata govorno-jezičkog razvoja u prve dve godine života čujuće i dece oštećenog sluha sa kohlearnim implantom ili slušnim aparatima. Istraživanja u inostranstvu i kod nas pokazuju da kongenitalno veoma teško nagluva i gluva implantirana deca imaju bolje skorove na svim testovima od dece sa konvencionalnim aparatima, a da čujuće vršnjake dostižu u razvoju auditivne percepcije i razvoja govora 24 do 36 meseci posle priključenja kod implantacije u prve dve godine života.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceSpecijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
dc.subjecthearing impairmenten
dc.subjectcochlear implanten
dc.subjectkohlearni implantsr
dc.titleCochlear implantation: Overview research by EARS battery testsen
dc.titleKohlearna implantacija - pregled istraživanja EARS baterijom testovasr
dc.citation.other(3-4): 61-71



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