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Vrste reči u rečenici kod učenika oštećenog sluha i učenika koji čuju

dc.creatorIsaković, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractThe highest unit of syntax, and with this of grammatical language organization, is a sentence. Each sentence is accompanied by particular intonation in speech and by punctuation in writing. Hearing impairment leads to many problems with forming, constructing and extending sentence structure. A sentence of a hearing impaired student is characterized by simplicity, rigidity and words which are statically and unconnectedly next to each other. A sentence expresses a complete thought, and thus it must spring from a life situation and become the basis for communication of a deaf child. The most frequent parts of speech in our language are nouns and verbs, and their dominant usage is observed with hearing-impaired students (all other parts of speech are at a very low level). The aim of this study was to examine the ability in using particular parts of speech in a sentence with hearing-impaired students and students who hear. What was applied as the instrument was a segment from the Linguistic corps for the evaluation of particular lexical - style related characteristics (Dimić, Isaković). The study included 94 hearing-impaired students and 60 students who hear. The research was carried out in the schools for hearing-impaired children in Belgrade and Zemun as well as in a school which is attended by children who hear. The students who hear achieved better results while forming sentences, which were merely identical in using nouns and verbs. With hearing-impaired students, better results were observed in using nouns in a sentence, while it was also observed that the success rate rose markedly with age. Their sentences are short and stereotypical. .en
dc.description.abstractNajviša jedinica sintakse, a time i gramatičke organizacije jezika, jeste rečenica. Svaka rečenica je u govoru praćena određenom intonacijom, a u pisanju interpunkcijom. Oštećenje sluha dovodi do mnogih problema u formiranju, izgradnji i proširivanju strukture rečenice. Rečenicu učenika oštećenog sluha karakteriše jednostavnost, rigidnost i reči koje statički, nepovezano stoje jedna pored druge. Rečenicom se iskazuje kompletna misao i zbog toga mora izvirati iz životne situacije i postati osnova komunikacije gluvog deteta. Najfrekventnije vrste reči u našem jeziku su imenice i glagoli, i uočava se njihova dominantna upotreba kod učenika oštećenog sluha (sve ostale vrste reči su na veoma niskom nivou). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita sposobnost upotrebe određenih vrsta reči u rečenici kod učenika oštećenog sluha i učenika koji čuju. Kao instrument je primenjen jedan segment iz Jezičkog korpusa za procenu leksičko - stilskih specifičnosti (Dimić, Isaković). Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 94 učenika oštećenog sluha i 60 učenika koji čuju. Istraživanje je obavljeno u školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Beogradu i Zemunu, i u jednoj školi koju pohađaju deca koja čuju. Učenici koji čuju su ostvarili bolje rezultate pri formiranju rečenica, gotovo identične pri upotrebi imenica i glagola. Kod učenika oštećenog sluha bolji rezultati su uočeni pri upotrebi imenica u rečenici, dok je uočen i izrazitiji porast uspešnosti sa uzrastom. Njihove rečenice su kratke i stereotipne. .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
dc.sourceBeogradska defektološka škola
dc.subjectparts of speechen
dc.subjecthearing-impaired studentsen
dc.subjectstudents who hearen
dc.subjectvrste rečisr
dc.subjectučenici oštećenog sluhasr
dc.subjectučenici koji čujusr
dc.titleParts of speech in a sentence with hearing-impaired students and hearing studentsen
dc.titleVrste reči u rečenici kod učenika oštećenog sluha i učenika koji čujusr
dc.citation.other(2): 11-23



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