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Indikatori radne efikasnosti učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću

dc.contributor.advisorRadić-Šestić, Marina
dc.contributor.otherGligorović, Milica
dc.contributor.otherČabarkapa, Milanko
dc.creatorMilanović-Dobrota, Biljana
dc.description.abstractThe reference framework is based on the results of the modern literature that suggests that the crucial things for success of young people with intellectual disabilities in the recruitment process are work skills and experience , acquired during vocational training. The overall objective of this research is to identify direct and indirect indicato rs of work efficiency of students with mild intellectual disability as determinants of planning and programming of employment which are in function with a successful transition from school to workplace . The sample is consisted of 120 subjects of both gender (62 or 51.7% of male and 58 or 48.3% females) who attended in school year 2010/2011 the fina l grades of '' Secondary vocational schools '' in Belgrade. For the evaluation of the working ability there was used adapted ,, Questionnaire for the assessment of work ability ” ; Taylor, 1987. To assess job competence there was used ’’Situational assessment test form ” ; Cline, Halverson, Petersen & Rohrbach, 2005. For the self - efficacy of students with mild intellectual disability more scales were used. In accorda nce with the needs of the research there was isolated scale that explores the perceived self - efficacy of students during practical classes ( Sel f - Efficacy to Regulate Training ; Bandura, 2006), while the other scale ( Children's Self - Efficacy Scale ; Bandura, 2006) composite of multiple subscales, assumed and customized to socio - cultural conditions for testing the self - efficacy of students with mild intellectual disability in curricular and extracurricular activities. To assess the overall self - esteem, there wa s used the Rosenberg Sel f - Esteem Scale ; Rosenberg, 1965 . To assess the learning styles of students with mild intellectual disability there was used the instrument “ Learning Styles Instrument ” – CITE ; Babich , A . M, Burdine, P. Albright, L. & Randol, P., 197 6.; WVABE Instruct or Handbook, section 3, 2003 - 04 . The results of exploratory research through correlation of defined dimensions within individual instruments were shown, and then the correlation analysis in relation to socio - demographic variables of respondents. Greater attention was paid to determining the difference in relation to gender and level of intellectual functioning. For a better insight into the hierarchy structure measurements, there was applied univariate analysis of variance for individ ual variables instrument. Factorial analysis for instruments of working skills and competencies was made, as well as the inter - correlation of the surveyed variables and subscales, with the aim of establishing the connection, ie the influence of several ind ependent variables on the criterion. On the basis of these results, significant for operational efficiency, we have found better achievement with students with higher levels of intellectual functioning, then with the students who are professionally trained to third level of education and more attractive occupations, as well as with students with better overall academic achievement and higher mark in practical classes. In our study, the working efficiency of students with mild intellectual disability, varia bles that are related to the type of family environment, time of diagnosis, intellectual disability and the type of finished school for primary educationis not important. Summarizing the interpretation of the results, we obtained that indicators of operati ng efficiency of students with mild intellectual disability , working - behavioral competencies and level of independence during the work are immediate, while the direct contribution gives elements of the psychosocial aspects of work (respect for the general labor discipline, self - esteem, self - efficacy, cooperation with others, emotional stability, etc.). The composite of abilities, skills, knowledge (developed through theoretical and practical classes and extracurricular activities) and personal attributes im portant for the working efficiency of people with mild intellectual disability is integrated into designed Scale of operating efficiency, which is given as a suggestion at the end of the work. It is intended for members of the planning team and programming employment of students with mild intellectual disability due to more successful transition from school to the workplace. In accordance with the research findings there are suggested practical guidelines in working with students with mild intellectual disa bilities during vocational training, as well as recommendations for future research in the field of s pecial education and rehabilitation and other tangent disciplinesen
dc.description.abstractReferentni okvir rada bazir an je na rezultatima savremene literature koji upućuju da su za uspeh mladih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću u procesu zapošljavanja od krucijalne važnosti radne veštine i iskustvo u radu koje se stiču tokom profesionalnog osposobljavanja . O pšti cilj istr a ži v a nj a je utvr đivanje posredni h i neposredni h indik a t o r a r a dn e e fik a sn o sti učenika s a l a k o m int e l e ktu a ln o m o m e t e n o šću k ao d e t e rmin a nt e planiranja i programiranja zapošljavanja koje su u funkciji što uspešnije tranzicije iz školske u radnu sredinu . Uzorak čini 120 ispitanika , oba pola ( 62 ili 51,7% muškog i 58 ili 48,3% ženskog pola ) koji su u školskoj 2010/2011 godini pohađali završne razrede ,, Srednje zanatske škole '' u Beogradu . Za vr e dn o v a nj e r a dnih sposobnosti korišćen je ad a ptir a ni ,, Upitnik za procenu radnih s posobnosti '' ( Questionary for assessment of working abilities ; T a ylor, 1987 ). Z a pr o c e nu r a dnih kompetencija korišćen je ,, Obrazac situacione procene '' ( Situational assessment form tes t ; Cline, Halverson, Petersen & Rohrbach, 2005). Z a pr o c e nu s a m oe fik a sn o sti učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću korišćeno je više skala . U skladu sa potrebama istraživanja izdvojena je skala koja istražuje opaženu samoefikasnost učenika tokom praktične nastave ( Self - Efficacy to Regulate Training ; B andura, 2006 ) , dok je druga skala ( Children's Self - Efficacy Scale ; Bandura, 2006) kompozit više subskala , preuzetih i prilagođenih socio - kulturnim prilikama radi ispitivanja samoefikasnosti učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću na nastavnim i vannastav nim aktivnostima . Za procenu opšteg samopoštovanja , korišćena je Rozenbergova skala samopoštovanja (Rosenberg Self - Esteem Scale ; Rosenberg, 1965 ). Z a pr o c e nu stil a uč e nj a učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću korišćen je instrument ,, Stilovi učenja '' ( Learning Styles Instrument - C.I.T.E. ; Babich A. M. , Burdine, P., Albright, L. & Randol, P. , 1976. ; WVABE Instructor Handbook, Section 3, 2003 - 04 ) . Prikazani su rezultati eksplorativnog istraživanja kroz korelacije određenih dimenzija unutar pojedinih instrumenata , a potom i korelaciona analiza u odnosu na sociodemografske varijable ispitanika . Veća pažnja posvećena je utvrđivanju razlika u odnosu na pol i stepen intelektualnog funkcionisanja . Radi boljeg uvida u hijerarhiju strukture merenja , primenjena je univarija n tna analiza varijanse po pojedi ni m varijablama instrumenta . Izvršena je faktorska analiz a za instrumente radnih sposobno sti i kompetencija , kao i interkorelacija ispitanih varijabli i subskala , u cilju u tvrđivanja povezanosti , odnosno uticaja više nezavisnih varij abli na kriterijumsku . Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata značajnih za radnu efikasnost utvrđena su bolja postignuća kod učeni ka sa višim stepenom intelektualnog funkcionisanja , zatim kod učenika koji se profesionalno osposobljavaju za treć i stepen obrazovanja i atraktivnij a zanimanja , kao i kod učenika sa boljim opštim školskim uspehom i višom ocenom na praktičnoj nastavi . U našem istr aživanju , za radnu efikasnost učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću nisu značajne varijable koje su se odnosile na tip porodičnog okruženja , vreme kada je dijagnostikovana intelektualna ometenost i tip završene škole za osnovno obrazovanje . Rezimirajući interpretaciju dobijenih rezultata utrdili smo da su neposredni indikator i radne efikasnosti učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću radno - bihejv i oralne kompetencije i stepen samostalnost i tokom rada , dok posredni d oprinos daju elementi psihosocijalnog aspekta rada ( poštovanje opšte radne discipline , samopoštovanje , samoefikasnost , saradnja sa drugima , emocionalna stabilnost i dr .). K ompozit sposobnosti , veština , znanja ( razvijenih kroz teorijsko - praktičnu nastavu i vannastavne aktivnosti ) i ličnih atributa značajnih za radnu efikasnost osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću integrisan je u dizajniranoj Skali radne efikasnosti , koja je data kao predlog na kraju rada . Namenjena je članovima tima za planiranje i programiranje zapošljavanja učenika sa lakom intelek tualnom ometenošću radi uspešni je tranzicije iz školske u radnu sredinu . U skladu sa nalazima istraživanja sugerisane su praktične smernice za rad sa učenicima sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću tokom profesionalnog osposobljavanja , kao i preporuke za buduća istraživanja u oblasti defektologije i drugih tangentnih disciplinasr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju
dc.sourceUniverzitet u Beogradu
dc.subjectmild intellectual disabilityen
dc.subjectvocational trainingen
dc.subjectwork efficiencyen
dc.subjectwork abilityen
dc.subjectwork skillsen
dc.subjectlearning stylesen
dc.subjectlaka intelektualna ometenostsr
dc.subjectprofesionalno osposobljavanjesr
dc.subjectradna efikasnostsr
dc.subjectradna sposobnostsr
dc.subjectradne veštinesr
dc.subjectstil učenjasr
dc.titleIndicators of work efficiency of students with mild intellectual disabilityen
dc.titleIndikatori radne efikasnosti učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošćusr



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