Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Mesto specijalnih škola u inkluzivnom obrazovanju

dc.creatorNikolić, Gordana I.
dc.creatorĐorđić, Dejan M.
dc.creatorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractThe role of schools for the education of students with disabilities is associated with the context of inclusive education in different ways. On the one hand, they are accepted as institutions that, in their full capacity, can and should support education and social inclusion, while another approach considers that further existence of these schools is a reflection of the lack of the inclusion process. The aim of this paper is to determine the role of these schools and the changes that have occurred in their work since 2009, when inclusive education was introduced into the Serbian educational system. The sample covered all 48 schools for the education of students with disabilities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. For the needs of the research, a questionnaire for collecting data from these schools was prepared at the Institute for the Improvement of Education. The results showed that the network of these institutions has not changed, but that users have changed at all levels of education, since these schools now educate children with several types of disabilities. The number of defectologists is higher in Belgrade and Vojvodina than in the rest of Serbia, (p lt 0,05), while the number of defectologists, who only provide support to other schools, is the largest in Vojvodina, (p lt 0,05). Student achievement indicators show that 56,95% of pupils adopt elementary educational achievements and life skills useful in everyday activities. The inclusion of pre-school children is higher in Vojvodina (M = 6,83) and Belgrade (M = 6,71), compared to the rest of Serbia (M = 3,37). Horizontal movements show that the transition of pupils from regular to special school is 8.4 times more frequent than in the period before the inclusion law. Further research directions in this area could include the implemen­tation of several different ways of assessing the approach that under­pins early childhood development for their easier access to kindergartens and primary schools, as well as the examination of circumstances that would increase transition from special to regular schools.en
dc.description.abstractUloga škola za obrazovanje učenika sa smetnjama u razvoju različito se tumači u kontekstu inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Sa jedne strane, posmatraju se kao ustanove koje u punom obimu svojim kapacitetima mogu i treba da podrže obrazovnu i socijalnu inkluziju, dok drugi pristup smatra da postojanje tih škola predstavlja neuspeh procesa inkluzije. Cilj ovoga rada je da se utvrdi uloga ovih škola i promene koje su nastale u njihovom radu od 2009. godine, kada je uvedeno inkluzivno obrazovanje u naš obrazovno vaspitni sistem. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno svih 48 škola za obrazovanje učenika sa smetnjama u razvoju na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja, u Zavodu za unapređivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja, pripremljen je upitnik za prikupljanje podataka iz ovih škola. Rezultati su pokazali da nije promenjena mreža ovih ustanova, ali da su se promenili korisnici na svim nivoima obrazovanja i vaspitanja s obzirom na to da sada ove škole obrazuju decu sa različitim smetnjama u razvoju. Broj defektologa veći je u Beogradu i Vojvodini od ostalog dela Srbije (r lt 0,05), dok je broj defektologa koji pružaju samo podršku drugim ustanovama najveći u Vojvodini (r lt 0,05). Pokazatelji postignuća učenika ukazuju na to da 56,95% učenika usvaja elementarna obrazovna postignuća i životne veštine korisne u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Uključivanje predškolske dece veće je u Vojvodini (M=6,83) i Beogradu (M=6,71) u odnosu na ostatak Srbije (M=3,37). Horizontalna pokretljivost pokazuje 8,4 puta češći prelazak učenika iz redovne u specijalnu školu. Dalji pravci istraživanja u ovoj oblasti mogli bi obuhvatiti primenu više različitih instrumenata za procenu pristupa koji podstiču rani razvoj ove dece radi njihove lakše prohodnosti i prema vrtićima i osnovnim školama, kao i ispitivanje okolnosti koje bi povećale prohodnost iz specijalnih u osnovne š
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Prištini - Filozofski fakultet, Kosovska Mitrovica
dc.sourceZbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini
dc.subjectspecial schoolsen
dc.subjectinclusive educationen
dc.subjectspecijalne školesr
dc.subjectinkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.titleThe place of special schools in inclusive educationen
dc.titleMesto specijalnih škola u inkluzivnom obrazovanjusr
dc.citation.other49(1): 277-297



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