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Teorijski pristupi u razumevanju migracija dece

dc.creatorJugović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorBogetić, Dragica
dc.description.abstractGiven the multifactorial character of migration, a universal theoretical conception can not be used in the analysis of phenomena. Accordingly, the aim of the paper is to analyze ten groups of integrative concepts, divided into two larger units. The first part contains theoretical concepts that analyze the potential etiological and factors of the characteristics of the migration process: rejection and attraction theory, family migration theory, model of migration transition - from emigration to immigration countries, social development theory and security approaches to migration. The second part of the theory contains concepts explaining the impact of different circumstances on the socio-emotional development and adaptation process of children, especially in forced migration: risk and protection factors, theoretical approaches to traumatic events of children, psychoanalytic migration theory, attachment theory, and the Integrative model of developmental competencies children from minority groups. The concluding observations are aimed at sublimating the importance of a multiparadigmatic interpretation of the migration process, with particular reference to the practical implications of preventive action on the risks to which children are exposed at all stages of migration.en
dc.description.abstractS obzirom na multifaktorski karakter migracija, u analizi fenomena se ne može koristiti univerzalna teorijska koncepcija. Shodno tome, cilj rada jeste da se analizira deset grupa integrativnih koncepcija, podeljenih u dve veće celine. U prvoj celini se nalaze teorijske koncepcije u okviru kojih se analiziraju potencijalno etiološki i faktori obeležja migracionog procesa: teorija odbijanja i privlačenja, porodična teorija migracija, model migracione tranzicije - od emigracionih ka imigracionim zemljama, teorija društvenog razvoja i bezbednosni pristupi migracijama. U drugoj celini teorija se nalaze koncepcije koje objašnjavaju uticaj različitih okolnosti na socioemocionalni razvoj i proces adaptacije dece, naročito u prisilnim migracijama: faktori rizika i zaštite, psihoanalitička teorija migracija, teorijski pristupi traumatičnim događajima dece, teorija afektivne vezanosti i Integrativni model razvojnih kompetencija dece iz manjinskih grupa. Zaključna razmatranja su usmerena na sublimaciju značaja multiparadigmatskog tumačenja migracionog procesa, sa posebnim osvrtom na praktične implikacije u smislu preventivnog delovanja na rizike kojima su deca izložena u post-migracionoj fazi procesa.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47011/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja
dc.subjectintegrative migration theoriesen
dc.subjectchildren's perspectivesen
dc.subjectrisk factorsen
dc.subjectintegrativne teorije migracijasr
dc.subjectperspektiva decesr
dc.subjectrizični faktorisr
dc.titleTheoretical approaches in understanding child migrationen
dc.titleTeorijski pristupi u razumevanju migracija decesr
dc.citation.other38(3): 77-92



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