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Procena efekata isključivanja varijanse društveno poželjnih odgovora iz skorova testova ličnosti u situacijama instruiranih ispitnika

dc.creatorOpačić, Goran
dc.creatorMentus, Tatjana
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to examine the extent to which the socially desirable responding (SDR) distorts results of HEDONICA personality inventory (acronim based on eight dimensions of this inventory: Honesty, Disintegration, Impulsiveness, Openness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness). The inventory HEDONICA was merged with components of the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) as a control inventory and was administered to a sample of 227 students under two experimental situations/ contexts, operationalized by two instructions: the standard (S) one (such as "be honest") and the "fake good" (FG) one (such as "portray yourself in a most positive way"). Comparing scores in S and FG situations by using MANOVA, a clear distortion on all personality traits in socially desirable directions were evidenced. When, however, the BIDR subscales in the FG situation were entered into MANOVA as covariates, differences between personality scores in S and FG situations were considerably reduced, and became statistically insignificant on five personality dimensions. When the variance of dimensions of the BIDR inventory was removed from the variance of HEDONICA traits in FG situation, the change between intercorrelations of personality dimensions in S and FG situations did not attain statistical significance. This lead to the conclusion that the SDR bias, if even does affect test results (i.e., enhances scores in FG situation), does not affect the scale structure and predictive validity of the examined personality inventory.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ove studije bilo je ispitivanje stepena u kom socijalno poželjno odgovaranje menja rezultate inventara ličnosti HEDONICA (akronim je zasnovan na osam dimenzija ovog inventara: Poštenje, Dezintegracija, Impulsivnost, Otvorenost, Ekstraverzija, Neuroticizam, Savesnost i Saradljivost). Inventar HEDONICA je spojen sa delovima Balansiranog inventara poželjnog odgovaranja (eng. Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responsing, BIDR) koji je korišćen kao kontrolni inventar i zadat je uzorku od 227 studenata u dve eksperimentalne situacije, odnosno konteksta operacionalizovanog kroz dve instrukcije: standardnu (S; od učesnika u istraživanju je traženo da budu iskreni) i situaciju "lažnog dobrog" (eng. fake good, FG) predstavljanja (učesnicima u istraživanju je data instrukcija da se prikažu u najpozitivnijem svetlu). Poređenje skorova dobijenih u S i FG situacijama korišćenjem MANOVA-e pokazalo je jasnu promenu skorova na svim osobinama ličnosti u društveno poželjnom smeru. Međutim, kada su BIDR subskale u FG situaciji dodate u MANOVA-u kao kovarijeteti, razlike između skorova osobina ličnosti u S i FG situacijama su se znatno smanjile, pa čak i postale statistički neznačajne na pet osobina ličnosti. Kada je varijansa dimenzija BIDR inventara iz FG situacije uklonjena iz varijanse HEDONICA crta ličnosti, interkorelacije dimenzija ličnosti u S i FG situacijama nisu se statistički značajno promenile. Ovo vodi ka zaključku da pristrasnost usled socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja, čak i ako utiče na rezultat testa (tj. popravlja skorove u FG situaciji) ne utiče na strukturu skala niti na prediktivnu validnost ispitivanog inventara ličnosti.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.subjectcontrol scaleen
dc.subjectfaking correctionen
dc.subjectdesirable respondingen
dc.subjectHEDONICA inventoryen
dc.subjectkontrolna skalasr
dc.subjectkorekcija za lažno predstavljanjesr
dc.subjectdruštveno poželjno odgovaranjesr
dc.subjectHEDONICA inventarsr
dc.titleThe assessment of effects of partialling out of socially desirable responding variance on personality traits scores in instructed applicant situationsen
dc.titleProcena efekata isključivanja varijanse društveno poželjnih odgovora iz skorova testova ličnosti u situacijama instruiranih ispitnikasr
dc.citation.other52(3): 303-321



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