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Ponašanje gluvih i nagluvih učenika u školi i školsko postignuće

dc.creatorRoksandić, Ivana
dc.creatorKovačević, Jasmina
dc.description.abstractThe school has a powerful influence on the young, particularly the school which guarantees safety and respecting individual potentials of students with efficiently planned and programmed contents and activities and complete teaching stuff with positive pedagogical skills. Pedagogues point at the significant number of factors which contribute to both success and failure of deaf and hard of hearing students at school. The aim of the research was to study connectivity between school achievement and behaviour of deaf and hard of hearing students at school. In the paper, we showed results of connectivity of school achievements of deaf and hard of hearing students during classes, breaks and towards teachers. The sample included 72 special education teachers who realise pedagogical-teaching process at special schools for deaf and hard of hearing students in the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia. The method of theoretical analysis and synthesis in studying relevant literature and determination fo theoretic facts significant for the issue of the reaesshr were used. Quetionarir for teachers was used for analysis of estimation of the deaf and hard of hearing students. Results show that there is connectivity between behaifour at school and school achievement of the deaf and hard of hearing students.en
dc.description.abstractŠkola ima moćan uticaj na mlade, posebno škola koja garantuje bezbednost i uvažavanje individualnih potencijala učenika uz efikasno isplanirane i programirane sadržaje i aktivnosti, kao i kompetentan nastavni kadar koji poseduje pozitivne pedagoške veštine. Pedagozi ukazuju na značajan broj faktora koji doprinose uspehu, ali i neuspehu u školi. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita povezanost školskog postignuća i ponašanja gluvih i nagluvih učenika u školi. U radu su prikazani rezultati povezanosti školskog uspeha i ponašanja gluvih i nagluvih učenika na času, odmoru i prema nastavniku. Uzorak je činilo 72 nastavnika defektologa koji realizuju vaspitno obrazovni rad u školama za gluve i nagluve učenike na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Za potrebe istraživanja korišćena je metoda teorijske analize i sinteze u proučavanju relevantne literature i utvrđivanje teorijskih činjenica bitnih za problem istraživanja. U odnosu na tehnike istraživanja korišćeno je anketiranje i analiza sadržaja. Za analizu procene ponašanja gluvih i nagluvih učenika u školi i školskog postignuća korišćen je upitnik za nastavnike. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji povezanost između ponašanja u školi i školskog uspeha gluvih i nagluvih učenika.sr
dc.publisherForum pedagoga Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd
dc.subjectdeaf and hard of hearing studentsen
dc.subjectschool achievementen
dc.subjectgluvi i nagluvi učenicisr
dc.subjectškolsko postignućesr
dc.titleBehaviour of deaf and hard of hearing students at school and school achievementen
dc.titlePonašanje gluvih i nagluvih učenika u školi i školsko postignućesr
dc.citation.other71(3): 316-326



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