Mitrović, Aleksandra

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  • Mitrović, Aleksandra (12)

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Lingvistički aspekti pragmatike kod osoba sa Daunovim sindromom

Mitrović, Aleksandra


AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - У овом истраживању испитују се лингвистички аспекти прагматике код особа са Дауновим синдромом. Лингвистичка прагматика је дисциплина која проучава деловање језика, односно како саговорник значење неке изјаве интерпретира у односу на конверзацијиски контекст и намере саговорника.
Особе са Дауновим синдромом имају говорно-језичке тешкоће и касне у готово свим прагматским способностима у односу на особе типичног развоја.
У складу са тим, циљеви овог истраживања су следећи: 1) утврдити однос између способности разумевања и продукције лингвистичких исказа, разумевања говора, постигнућа у језичкој структури и социјалног ангажовања, и интелектуалног функционисања и 2) утврдити да ли постоје разлике у лингвистичко-прагматским способностима код испитаника са Дауновим синдромом у односу на узраст.
Узорком је обухваћено 30 испитаника са Дауновим синдромом, од којих је 14 мушког (46,7%) и 16 женског пола (53,3%), узраста од 12 до 47 година старости, подељених у две узрасне категорије: млађа група (N = 15; AS = 14,5) и старија група (N = 15; AS = 34,7).
Поред демографског упитника, коришћено је још пет инструмената: 1) невербални тест интелигенције заснован на Равеновим прогресивним матрицама (Standard Proressive Matrices, SPM, Raven & Raven, 1998), 2) Лингвистичка скала из
Батерије за процену комуникације (The Assessment Battery for Communication, ABaCo,
Sacco et al., 2008), која се састоји од две скале, а то су Скала лингвистичког разумевања и Скала лингвистичке продукције, 3) Пибодијева скала за процену рецептивног говора (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT-4, Dunn & Dunn, 2007), 4) Комуникациона чек- листа за одрасле (Communication Checklist-Adult, CC-A, Whitehouse & Bishop, 2009), и 5) Комуникациона чек-листа за децу (Children Communication Checklist, CCC-2, Bishop, 2003).
На основу добијених резултата  утврђено је да су постигнућа старијих испитаника на Лингвистичкој скали из Батерије за процену комуникације већа од постигнућа млађих испитаника. Такође, интелектуално функционисање и лингвистичка продукција и разумевање код ових особа нису у значајној корелацији, као ни комуникационе способности изражене кроз језичку структуру и социјално ангажовање и лингвистичка продукција и разумевање. Однос између разумевања говора и лингвистичке продукције и разумевања је позитиван, што указује на то да је боље разумевање говора праћено напреднијим прагматским способностима.
Наредна истраживања требало би спровести над већим бројем испитаника, док би однос између рецептивног речника и прагматике код ових особа требало детаљније испитати.
AB  - This study analyses the linguistic aspects of pragmatics in individuals with Down syndrome. Linguistic pragmatics is a discipline that studies the function of language, i.e. how the interlocutor interprets the meaning of a statement in relation to the conversational context and the intentions of the interlocutor.
People with Down syndrome have difficulties in speech-language. Compared to people with typical development, they are late in almost all pragmatic abilities, as well.
Accordingly, the purposes of this research are as follows: 1) to determine the relationship between the ability to understand and produce linguistic utterances, speech comprehension, achievement in language structure and social engagement, and intellectual functioning, and 2) to determine whether there are age differences in linguistic-pragmatic abilities in people with Down syndrome.
The sample includes 30 persons with Down syndrome, 14 male (46.7%) and 16 female (53.3%), aged from 12 to 47 years, divided into two age categories: the younger group (N = 15; AS = 14.5) and the older group (N = 15; AS = 34.7).
In addition to the demographic questionnaire, five other instruments were used: 1) Non- verbal intelligence test based on Raven's Progressive Matrices (Standard Progressive Matrices, SPM, Raven & Raven, 1998), 2) Linguistic scale from The Assessment Battery for Communication (ABaCo, Sacco et al., 2008), which consists of two scales: the Scale of linguistic understanding and the Scale of linguistic production, 3) Peabody's scale for assessing receptive speech (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT-4, Dunn & Dunn, 2007), 4) Communication Checklist for Adults (Communication Checklist-Adult, CC-A, Whitehouse & Bishop, 2009), and 5) Communication Checklist for Children (Children Communication Checklist, CCC-2, Bishop, 2003).
In regards to the results of this study, it was determined that the achievements of the older participants on the Linguistic Scale from The Assessment Battery for Communication are higher than the achievements of the younger participants. Further, intellectual functioning and linguistic production and understanding in these individuals are not significantly correlated. Similarily, communication skills expressed through language structure and social engagement are not significantly correlated with linguistic production and understanding. The relationship between speech comprehension and linguistic production and understanding exists, which suggests that better speech comprehension is accompanied by more advanced pragmatic abilities.
Further research should be conducted on a larger number of participants. The relationship between receptive vocabulary and pragmatics in these individuals should be examined in more detail, as well.
T1  - Lingvistički aspekti pragmatike kod osoba sa Daunovim sindromom
T1  - Linguistic aspects of pragmatics in people with Down syndrome
EP  - 37
SP  - 5
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "У овом истраживању испитују се лингвистички аспекти прагматике код особа са Дауновим синдромом. Лингвистичка прагматика је дисциплина која проучава деловање језика, односно како саговорник значење неке изјаве интерпретира у односу на конверзацијиски контекст и намере саговорника.
Особе са Дауновим синдромом имају говорно-језичке тешкоће и касне у готово свим прагматским способностима у односу на особе типичног развоја.
У складу са тим, циљеви овог истраживања су следећи: 1) утврдити однос између способности разумевања и продукције лингвистичких исказа, разумевања говора, постигнућа у језичкој структури и социјалног ангажовања, и интелектуалног функционисања и 2) утврдити да ли постоје разлике у лингвистичко-прагматским способностима код испитаника са Дауновим синдромом у односу на узраст.
Узорком је обухваћено 30 испитаника са Дауновим синдромом, од којих је 14 мушког (46,7%) и 16 женског пола (53,3%), узраста од 12 до 47 година старости, подељених у две узрасне категорије: млађа група (N = 15; AS = 14,5) и старија група (N = 15; AS = 34,7).
Поред демографског упитника, коришћено је још пет инструмената: 1) невербални тест интелигенције заснован на Равеновим прогресивним матрицама (Standard Proressive Matrices, SPM, Raven & Raven, 1998), 2) Лингвистичка скала из
Батерије за процену комуникације (The Assessment Battery for Communication, ABaCo,
Sacco et al., 2008), која се састоји од две скале, а то су Скала лингвистичког разумевања и Скала лингвистичке продукције, 3) Пибодијева скала за процену рецептивног говора (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT-4, Dunn & Dunn, 2007), 4) Комуникациона чек- листа за одрасле (Communication Checklist-Adult, CC-A, Whitehouse & Bishop, 2009), и 5) Комуникациона чек-листа за децу (Children Communication Checklist, CCC-2, Bishop, 2003).
На основу добијених резултата  утврђено је да су постигнућа старијих испитаника на Лингвистичкој скали из Батерије за процену комуникације већа од постигнућа млађих испитаника. Такође, интелектуално функционисање и лингвистичка продукција и разумевање код ових особа нису у значајној корелацији, као ни комуникационе способности изражене кроз језичку структуру и социјално ангажовање и лингвистичка продукција и разумевање. Однос између разумевања говора и лингвистичке продукције и разумевања је позитиван, што указује на то да је боље разумевање говора праћено напреднијим прагматским способностима.
Наредна истраживања требало би спровести над већим бројем испитаника, док би однос између рецептивног речника и прагматике код ових особа требало детаљније испитати., This study analyses the linguistic aspects of pragmatics in individuals with Down syndrome. Linguistic pragmatics is a discipline that studies the function of language, i.e. how the interlocutor interprets the meaning of a statement in relation to the conversational context and the intentions of the interlocutor.
People with Down syndrome have difficulties in speech-language. Compared to people with typical development, they are late in almost all pragmatic abilities, as well.
Accordingly, the purposes of this research are as follows: 1) to determine the relationship between the ability to understand and produce linguistic utterances, speech comprehension, achievement in language structure and social engagement, and intellectual functioning, and 2) to determine whether there are age differences in linguistic-pragmatic abilities in people with Down syndrome.
The sample includes 30 persons with Down syndrome, 14 male (46.7%) and 16 female (53.3%), aged from 12 to 47 years, divided into two age categories: the younger group (N = 15; AS = 14.5) and the older group (N = 15; AS = 34.7).
In addition to the demographic questionnaire, five other instruments were used: 1) Non- verbal intelligence test based on Raven's Progressive Matrices (Standard Progressive Matrices, SPM, Raven & Raven, 1998), 2) Linguistic scale from The Assessment Battery for Communication (ABaCo, Sacco et al., 2008), which consists of two scales: the Scale of linguistic understanding and the Scale of linguistic production, 3) Peabody's scale for assessing receptive speech (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT-4, Dunn & Dunn, 2007), 4) Communication Checklist for Adults (Communication Checklist-Adult, CC-A, Whitehouse & Bishop, 2009), and 5) Communication Checklist for Children (Children Communication Checklist, CCC-2, Bishop, 2003).
In regards to the results of this study, it was determined that the achievements of the older participants on the Linguistic Scale from The Assessment Battery for Communication are higher than the achievements of the younger participants. Further, intellectual functioning and linguistic production and understanding in these individuals are not significantly correlated. Similarily, communication skills expressed through language structure and social engagement are not significantly correlated with linguistic production and understanding. The relationship between speech comprehension and linguistic production and understanding exists, which suggests that better speech comprehension is accompanied by more advanced pragmatic abilities.
Further research should be conducted on a larger number of participants. The relationship between receptive vocabulary and pragmatics in these individuals should be examined in more detail, as well.",
title = "Lingvistički aspekti pragmatike kod osoba sa Daunovim sindromom, Linguistic aspects of pragmatics in people with Down syndrome",
pages = "37-5",
url = ""
Mitrović, A.. (2021). Lingvistički aspekti pragmatike kod osoba sa Daunovim sindromom. , 5-37.
Mitrović A. Lingvistički aspekti pragmatike kod osoba sa Daunovim sindromom. 2021;:5-37. .
Mitrović, Aleksandra, "Lingvistički aspekti pragmatike kod osoba sa Daunovim sindromom" (2021):5-37, .

Manufacturing Process and Thermal Stability of Nanophotonic Soft Contact Lenses

Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir; Popović, Dejana; Dragićević, Aleksandra

(Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 2020)

AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Popović, Dejana
AU  - Dragićević, Aleksandra
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Hydrogels have peculiar physical and chemical properties and therefore, are used in a variety of biomedical applications including drug delivery agents, prosthetic devices, the repair and replacement of soft tissues, contact lenses, etc. Consequently, investigation of mechanical, physical and chemical properties is crucial in biomedical application of hydrogels. Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA), as a biocompatible hydrogel, was first hydrogel used for making soft contact lenses. Many researches have been modified pHEMA with the aim of improving its properties. Application of nanotechnology is one of the possible solutions for improving the characteristics of this biocompatible hydrogel. In this paper, polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate was used as standard material for soft contact lenses (SL 38). This material was incorporated with fullerene C-60 (SL38-A), fullerol C-60(OH)(24) (SL 38-B) and fullerene metformin hydroxylate C-60(OH)(12)(OC4N5H10)(12) (SL 38-C), respectively. Three new nanophotonic soft contact lenses were made. The main goal of this research was to develop appropriate process parameters for soft contact lens micro-turning. Also, studying the thermal decomposition of standard soft contact lens, pHEMA, as well as three new nanophotonic soft contact lenses was one of the main objectives. Results have shown that manufacturing process of nanofotonic soft contact lens is considered to be a micro-turning process regarding the cutting depth and tool nose ratio. Thermal stability of all three nanofotonic soft contact lenses was significantly improved comparing to the standard soft contact lens. Still, further research needs to be done so these nonophotonic soft contact lenses could find practical application in the field of biomedical engineering.
PB  - Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham
C3  - Computational and Experimental Approaches in Materials Science and Engineering, CNNTECH 2019
T1  - Manufacturing Process and Thermal Stability of Nanophotonic Soft Contact Lenses
EP  - 199
SP  - 184
VL  - 90
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-030-30853-7_11
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir and Popović, Dejana and Dragićević, Aleksandra",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Hydrogels have peculiar physical and chemical properties and therefore, are used in a variety of biomedical applications including drug delivery agents, prosthetic devices, the repair and replacement of soft tissues, contact lenses, etc. Consequently, investigation of mechanical, physical and chemical properties is crucial in biomedical application of hydrogels. Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA), as a biocompatible hydrogel, was first hydrogel used for making soft contact lenses. Many researches have been modified pHEMA with the aim of improving its properties. Application of nanotechnology is one of the possible solutions for improving the characteristics of this biocompatible hydrogel. In this paper, polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate was used as standard material for soft contact lenses (SL 38). This material was incorporated with fullerene C-60 (SL38-A), fullerol C-60(OH)(24) (SL 38-B) and fullerene metformin hydroxylate C-60(OH)(12)(OC4N5H10)(12) (SL 38-C), respectively. Three new nanophotonic soft contact lenses were made. The main goal of this research was to develop appropriate process parameters for soft contact lens micro-turning. Also, studying the thermal decomposition of standard soft contact lens, pHEMA, as well as three new nanophotonic soft contact lenses was one of the main objectives. Results have shown that manufacturing process of nanofotonic soft contact lens is considered to be a micro-turning process regarding the cutting depth and tool nose ratio. Thermal stability of all three nanofotonic soft contact lenses was significantly improved comparing to the standard soft contact lens. Still, further research needs to be done so these nonophotonic soft contact lenses could find practical application in the field of biomedical engineering.",
publisher = "Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham",
journal = "Computational and Experimental Approaches in Materials Science and Engineering, CNNTECH 2019",
title = "Manufacturing Process and Thermal Stability of Nanophotonic Soft Contact Lenses",
pages = "199-184",
volume = "90",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-30853-7_11"
Mitrović, A., Stamenković, D., Popović, D.,& Dragićević, A.. (2020). Manufacturing Process and Thermal Stability of Nanophotonic Soft Contact Lenses. in Computational and Experimental Approaches in Materials Science and Engineering, CNNTECH 2019
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham., 90, 184-199.
Mitrović A, Stamenković D, Popović D, Dragićević A. Manufacturing Process and Thermal Stability of Nanophotonic Soft Contact Lenses. in Computational and Experimental Approaches in Materials Science and Engineering, CNNTECH 2019. 2020;90:184-199.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30853-7_11 .
Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, Popović, Dejana, Dragićević, Aleksandra, "Manufacturing Process and Thermal Stability of Nanophotonic Soft Contact Lenses" in Computational and Experimental Approaches in Materials Science and Engineering, CNNTECH 2019, 90 (2020):184-199, . .

Production and characterisation of nanophotonic soft contact lenses, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies

Miljković, Vladimir; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir

(Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2019)

AU  - Miljković, Vladimir
AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Hydrogels have unique physical and chemical properties and therefore are used in a variety of biomedical
applications, including drug delivery agents, prosthetic devices, the repair and replacement of soft tissues and
contact lenses. Investigation of mechanical, physical and chemical properties of hydrogels is the first step in
biomedical application. Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA), as a biocompatible hydrogel, was first
used hydrogel for making soft contact lens. Since then, many researches have been modified pHEMA with the
aim of improving its properties. Application of nanotechnology could be one of the possible solutions for
improving the characteristics of this biocompatible hydrogel. In this paper, poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
was used as standard material for soft contact lenses (SL 38). This material was incorporated with fullerene
C60 (SL38-A), fullerol C60(OH)24 (SL 38-B) and fullerene metformin hydroxylate C60(OH)12(OC4N5H10)12 (SL 38-
C), respectively. Three new nanophotonic materials for soft contact lenses were obtained. The aim of this
study was to develop appropriate process parameters for soft contact lens micro-turning. Also, studying the
thermal decomposition of standard soft contact lens, pHEMA, as well as three new nanophotonic soft contact
lenses was one of the main objectives. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that manufacturing
process of nanofotonic soft contact lens is considered to be a micro-turning process regarding the cutting depth
and tool nose ratio. Further, thermal properties of nanofotonic soft contact lenses were improved comparing
to the standard soft contact lens.
PB  - Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
C3  - The book of Abstracts
C3  - International Conference of Experimental and Numerical
Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2019
T1  - Production and characterisation of nanophotonic soft contact lenses, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies
EP  - 21
SP  - 21
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Miljković, Vladimir and Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Hydrogels have unique physical and chemical properties and therefore are used in a variety of biomedical
applications, including drug delivery agents, prosthetic devices, the repair and replacement of soft tissues and
contact lenses. Investigation of mechanical, physical and chemical properties of hydrogels is the first step in
biomedical application. Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA), as a biocompatible hydrogel, was first
used hydrogel for making soft contact lens. Since then, many researches have been modified pHEMA with the
aim of improving its properties. Application of nanotechnology could be one of the possible solutions for
improving the characteristics of this biocompatible hydrogel. In this paper, poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
was used as standard material for soft contact lenses (SL 38). This material was incorporated with fullerene
C60 (SL38-A), fullerol C60(OH)24 (SL 38-B) and fullerene metformin hydroxylate C60(OH)12(OC4N5H10)12 (SL 38-
C), respectively. Three new nanophotonic materials for soft contact lenses were obtained. The aim of this
study was to develop appropriate process parameters for soft contact lens micro-turning. Also, studying the
thermal decomposition of standard soft contact lens, pHEMA, as well as three new nanophotonic soft contact
lenses was one of the main objectives. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that manufacturing
process of nanofotonic soft contact lens is considered to be a micro-turning process regarding the cutting depth
and tool nose ratio. Further, thermal properties of nanofotonic soft contact lenses were improved comparing
to the standard soft contact lens.",
publisher = "Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering",
journal = "The book of Abstracts, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical
Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2019",
title = "Production and characterisation of nanophotonic soft contact lenses, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies",
pages = "21-21",
url = ""
Miljković, V., Mitrović, A.,& Stamenković, D.. (2019). Production and characterisation of nanophotonic soft contact lenses, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies. in The book of Abstracts
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering., 21-21.
Miljković V, Mitrović A, Stamenković D. Production and characterisation of nanophotonic soft contact lenses, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies. in The book of Abstracts. 2019;:21-21. .
Miljković, Vladimir, Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, "Production and characterisation of nanophotonic soft contact lenses, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies" in The book of Abstracts (2019):21-21, .

IR and UV/VIS Spectroscopic Characterization of the Higher Fullerene C76-D2 for its Quantitative and Qualitative Determination

Jovanović, Tamara; Koruga, Đuro; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir; Dević, Gordana


AU  - Jovanović, Tamara
AU  - Koruga, Đuro
AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Dević, Gordana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The only stable isomer of the higher fullerene C76 of D2 symmetry was isolated from carbon soot by the new and advanced
extraction and chromatographic methods and processes. Characterization of the isolated C76-D2 was performed by the IR(KBr)
and UV/VIS method in the absorption mode. All of the experimentally observed infrared and electronic absorption bands are in
excellent agreement with the theoretical calculations for this fullerene. The molar absorptivity ε and the integrated molar
absorptivity Ψ of the observed entire new series of various characteristic, both deconvoluted and convoluted IR absorption
bands of the C76-D2 isomer, in different integration ranges were determined. In addition, the molar extinction coefficients of its
UV/VIS absorption bands were determined. The obtained novel IR and UV/VIS spectroscopic parameters are significant for the
quantitative assessment of C76-D2. All the presented data are important both for its qualitative and quantitative determination,
either in natural resources on Earth and in space or in artificially synthesized materials, electronic and optical devices, optical
limiters, sensors, polymers, solar cells, nanophotonic lenses, diagnostic and therapeutic agents, pharmaceutical substances, for
targeted drug delivery, incorporation of metal atoms, in biomedical engineering, industry, applied optical science, batteries,
catalysts and so forth.
T2  - Journal of nanomaterials
T1  - IR and UV/VIS Spectroscopic Characterization of the Higher Fullerene C76-D2 for its Quantitative and Qualitative Determination
EP  - 9
SP  - 1
VL  - 2018
DO  - 10.1155/2018/6862710
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Tamara and Koruga, Đuro and Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir and Dević, Gordana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The only stable isomer of the higher fullerene C76 of D2 symmetry was isolated from carbon soot by the new and advanced
extraction and chromatographic methods and processes. Characterization of the isolated C76-D2 was performed by the IR(KBr)
and UV/VIS method in the absorption mode. All of the experimentally observed infrared and electronic absorption bands are in
excellent agreement with the theoretical calculations for this fullerene. The molar absorptivity ε and the integrated molar
absorptivity Ψ of the observed entire new series of various characteristic, both deconvoluted and convoluted IR absorption
bands of the C76-D2 isomer, in different integration ranges were determined. In addition, the molar extinction coefficients of its
UV/VIS absorption bands were determined. The obtained novel IR and UV/VIS spectroscopic parameters are significant for the
quantitative assessment of C76-D2. All the presented data are important both for its qualitative and quantitative determination,
either in natural resources on Earth and in space or in artificially synthesized materials, electronic and optical devices, optical
limiters, sensors, polymers, solar cells, nanophotonic lenses, diagnostic and therapeutic agents, pharmaceutical substances, for
targeted drug delivery, incorporation of metal atoms, in biomedical engineering, industry, applied optical science, batteries,
catalysts and so forth.",
journal = "Journal of nanomaterials",
title = "IR and UV/VIS Spectroscopic Characterization of the Higher Fullerene C76-D2 for its Quantitative and Qualitative Determination",
pages = "9-1",
volume = "2018",
doi = "10.1155/2018/6862710"
Jovanović, T., Koruga, Đ., Mitrović, A., Stamenković, D.,& Dević, G.. (2018). IR and UV/VIS Spectroscopic Characterization of the Higher Fullerene C76-D2 for its Quantitative and Qualitative Determination. in Journal of nanomaterials, 2018, 1-9.
Jovanović T, Koruga Đ, Mitrović A, Stamenković D, Dević G. IR and UV/VIS Spectroscopic Characterization of the Higher Fullerene C76-D2 for its Quantitative and Qualitative Determination. in Journal of nanomaterials. 2018;2018:1-9.
doi:10.1155/2018/6862710 .
Jovanović, Tamara, Koruga, Đuro, Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, Dević, Gordana, "IR and UV/VIS Spectroscopic Characterization of the Higher Fullerene C76-D2 for its Quantitative and Qualitative Determination" in Journal of nanomaterials, 2018 (2018):1-9, . .

Characterization of surface roughness of new nanophotonic soft contact lenses using lacunarity and AFM method

Mitrović, Aleksandra; Bojović, Božica; Stamenković, Dragomir; Popović, Dejana

(Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2018)

AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Bojović, Božica
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Popović, Dejana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to develop new soft contact lens (SCL) materials which would,
after recommended and existing machining processes, improve surface roughness.
Nanomaterials (fullerene, fullerol and methformin hydroxylate fullerene) were
incorporated into commercial material for SCL (SL38) based on PHEMA, which were
derived by the technology in the production lab of the company Soleko (Milan, Italy).
Nanophotonic SCLs (SL38-A, SL38-B, SL38-C, respectively) were produced in the company
Optix (Belgrade, Serbia) from the obtained materials. For the surface characterization of
SCLs, AFM analysis and lacunarity method were performed. The results showed that for
the SL38-B average roughness value is lower than those of SL38-A and SL38. The
topography parameters of SL38-C were between the parameters of SL38-A and SL38-B.
Lacunarity analysis of AFM images confirmed that SCLs surface state should belong to
either group of adequate (slanted p-diagram) or inadequate (contorted p-diagram)
roughness concerning tear film stability. Nanophotonic SCL SL38-C exibits more acceptable
performance considering SCL surface functional behavior as compared to other SCLs. The
positive result of incorporating nanomaterials into basic material for SCL is better quality
of the nanophotonic SCLs surfaces. On the bases of these experiments, the assumption
that incorporation of fullerene derivate will not increase surface roughness parameters is
AB  - U ovom radu predstavljeni su novi materijali za meka kontaktna sočiva
(MKS), koja bi nakon preporučene mašinske obrade imala poboljšana
svojstva hrapavosti površine. Nanomaterijali (fuleren, fulerol i metformin
hidroksilata fulerena) su inkorporirani u bazni materijal za MKS (SL38), u
čijoj je osnovi poli(2-hidroksietil metakrilat), pо tеhnоlоgiјi i u
prоizvоdnim lаbоrаtоriјаmа kоmpаniје Soleko (Milano, Italija). Od
dobijenih materijala napravljena su nanofotonična MKS (SL38-A, SL38-B i
SL38-C, redom) u kompaniji Optix (Beograd, Srbija). Površinska
karakterizacija izvršena je Miskorskopijom atomskih sila (MAS) i metodom
lagunarnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da SL38-B ima niže vrednosti osnovnog
parametra hrapavosti od SL38-A i SL38. Za SL38-C, vrednosti parametara
topografije bili su između vrednosti parametara nanofotoničnih mekih
kontaktnih sočiva SL38-A i SL38-B.
Analiza lagunarnosti MKS potvrđuje stanje površine sočiva ili kao
adekvatno (nagnut p-dijagram) ili kao neadekvatno (iskrivljen p-dijagram),
a s obzirom na naknadnu stabilnost suznog filma. Nanofotonično MKS u
oznaci SL38-C ispoljava prihvatljivije performanse po pitanju
funkcionalnog ponašanja u poređenju sa ostalim MKS.
Dobijeni su pozitivni rezultati inkorporiranja nanomaterijala u bazni
material, koji pokazuju bolji kvalitet površina nanofotoničnih MKS. Na
osnovu ovih eksperimenata potvrđeno je da inkorporiranje derivata
fulerena ne utiče na porast parametara hrapavosti površine.
PB  - Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia
T1  - Characterization of surface roughness of new nanophotonic soft contact lenses using lacunarity and AFM method
T1  - Karakterizacija hrapavosti površine novih nanofotoničnih mekih kontaktnih sočiva mikroskopijom atomskih sila i metodom lagunarnosti
EP  - 166
IS  - 3
SP  - 157
VL  - 72
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND170924004M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Aleksandra and Bojović, Božica and Stamenković, Dragomir and Popović, Dejana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to develop new soft contact lens (SCL) materials which would,
after recommended and existing machining processes, improve surface roughness.
Nanomaterials (fullerene, fullerol and methformin hydroxylate fullerene) were
incorporated into commercial material for SCL (SL38) based on PHEMA, which were
derived by the technology in the production lab of the company Soleko (Milan, Italy).
Nanophotonic SCLs (SL38-A, SL38-B, SL38-C, respectively) were produced in the company
Optix (Belgrade, Serbia) from the obtained materials. For the surface characterization of
SCLs, AFM analysis and lacunarity method were performed. The results showed that for
the SL38-B average roughness value is lower than those of SL38-A and SL38. The
topography parameters of SL38-C were between the parameters of SL38-A and SL38-B.
Lacunarity analysis of AFM images confirmed that SCLs surface state should belong to
either group of adequate (slanted p-diagram) or inadequate (contorted p-diagram)
roughness concerning tear film stability. Nanophotonic SCL SL38-C exibits more acceptable
performance considering SCL surface functional behavior as compared to other SCLs. The
positive result of incorporating nanomaterials into basic material for SCL is better quality
of the nanophotonic SCLs surfaces. On the bases of these experiments, the assumption
that incorporation of fullerene derivate will not increase surface roughness parameters is
confirmed., U ovom radu predstavljeni su novi materijali za meka kontaktna sočiva
(MKS), koja bi nakon preporučene mašinske obrade imala poboljšana
svojstva hrapavosti površine. Nanomaterijali (fuleren, fulerol i metformin
hidroksilata fulerena) su inkorporirani u bazni materijal za MKS (SL38), u
čijoj je osnovi poli(2-hidroksietil metakrilat), pо tеhnоlоgiјi i u
prоizvоdnim lаbоrаtоriјаmа kоmpаniје Soleko (Milano, Italija). Od
dobijenih materijala napravljena su nanofotonična MKS (SL38-A, SL38-B i
SL38-C, redom) u kompaniji Optix (Beograd, Srbija). Površinska
karakterizacija izvršena je Miskorskopijom atomskih sila (MAS) i metodom
lagunarnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da SL38-B ima niže vrednosti osnovnog
parametra hrapavosti od SL38-A i SL38. Za SL38-C, vrednosti parametara
topografije bili su između vrednosti parametara nanofotoničnih mekih
kontaktnih sočiva SL38-A i SL38-B.
Analiza lagunarnosti MKS potvrđuje stanje površine sočiva ili kao
adekvatno (nagnut p-dijagram) ili kao neadekvatno (iskrivljen p-dijagram),
a s obzirom na naknadnu stabilnost suznog filma. Nanofotonično MKS u
oznaci SL38-C ispoljava prihvatljivije performanse po pitanju
funkcionalnog ponašanja u poređenju sa ostalim MKS.
Dobijeni su pozitivni rezultati inkorporiranja nanomaterijala u bazni
material, koji pokazuju bolji kvalitet površina nanofotoničnih MKS. Na
osnovu ovih eksperimenata potvrđeno je da inkorporiranje derivata
fulerena ne utiče na porast parametara hrapavosti površine.",
publisher = "Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia",
title = "Characterization of surface roughness of new nanophotonic soft contact lenses using lacunarity and AFM method, Karakterizacija hrapavosti površine novih nanofotoničnih mekih kontaktnih sočiva mikroskopijom atomskih sila i metodom lagunarnosti",
pages = "166-157",
number = "3",
volume = "72",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND170924004M"
Mitrović, A., Bojović, B., Stamenković, D.,& Popović, D.. (2018). Characterization of surface roughness of new nanophotonic soft contact lenses using lacunarity and AFM method. in HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA
Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia., 72(3), 157-166.
Mitrović A, Bojović B, Stamenković D, Popović D. Characterization of surface roughness of new nanophotonic soft contact lenses using lacunarity and AFM method. in HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA. 2018;72(3):157-166.
doi:10.2298/HEMIND170924004M .
Mitrović, Aleksandra, Bojović, Božica, Stamenković, Dragomir, Popović, Dejana, "Characterization of surface roughness of new nanophotonic soft contact lenses using lacunarity and AFM method" in HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, 72, no. 3 (2018):157-166, . .

TGA and DTA analysis of soft contact lenses based on poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerenes

Mitrović, Aleksandra; Dragićević, Aleksandra; Popović, Dejana; Conte, Manuel; Stamenković, Dragomir


AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Dragićević, Aleksandra
AU  - Popović, Dejana
AU  - Conte, Manuel
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
C3  - The book of Abstract
T1  - TGA and DTA analysis of soft contact lenses based on poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerenes
EP  - 16
SP  - 16
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Aleksandra and Dragićević, Aleksandra and Popović, Dejana and Conte, Manuel and Stamenković, Dragomir",
year = "2018",
journal = "The book of Abstract",
title = "TGA and DTA analysis of soft contact lenses based on poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerenes",
pages = "16-16",
url = ""
Mitrović, A., Dragićević, A., Popović, D., Conte, M.,& Stamenković, D.. (2018). TGA and DTA analysis of soft contact lenses based on poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerenes. in The book of Abstract, 16-16.
Mitrović A, Dragićević A, Popović D, Conte M, Stamenković D. TGA and DTA analysis of soft contact lenses based on poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerenes. in The book of Abstract. 2018;:16-16. .
Mitrović, Aleksandra, Dragićević, Aleksandra, Popović, Dejana, Conte, Manuel, Stamenković, Dragomir, "TGA and DTA analysis of soft contact lenses based on poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerenes" in The book of Abstract (2018):16-16, .

IR spectroscopy of the higher fullerene C84-D2:22 for its qualitative and quantitative determination

Jovanović, Tamara; Koruga, Đuro; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir; Tomić, Marija; Rosić, Šakota


AU  - Jovanović, Tamara
AU  - Koruga, Đuro
AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Tomić, Marija
AU  - Rosić, Šakota
PY  - 2018
UR  -
C3  - The book of Abstract
T1  - IR spectroscopy of the higher fullerene C84-D2:22 for its qualitative and quantitative determination
EP  - 19
SP  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Tamara and Koruga, Đuro and Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir and Tomić, Marija and Rosić, Šakota",
year = "2018",
journal = "The book of Abstract",
title = "IR spectroscopy of the higher fullerene C84-D2:22 for its qualitative and quantitative determination",
pages = "19-19",
url = ""
Jovanović, T., Koruga, Đ., Mitrović, A., Stamenković, D., Tomić, M.,& Rosić, Š.. (2018). IR spectroscopy of the higher fullerene C84-D2:22 for its qualitative and quantitative determination. in The book of Abstract, 19-19.
Jovanović T, Koruga Đ, Mitrović A, Stamenković D, Tomić M, Rosić Š. IR spectroscopy of the higher fullerene C84-D2:22 for its qualitative and quantitative determination. in The book of Abstract. 2018;:19-19. .
Jovanović, Tamara, Koruga, Đuro, Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, Tomić, Marija, Rosić, Šakota, "IR spectroscopy of the higher fullerene C84-D2:22 for its qualitative and quantitative determination" in The book of Abstract (2018):19-19, .

Determination of New UV/VIS Spectroscopic Parameters for the Quantitaive Determination of Fullerene Nanomaterials

Jovanović, Tamara; Koruga, Đuro; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir


AU  - Jovanović, Tamara
AU  - Koruga, Đuro
AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
T1  - Determination of New UV/VIS Spectroscopic Parameters for the Quantitaive Determination of Fullerene Nanomaterials
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Tamara and Koruga, Đuro and Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir",
year = "2018",
title = "Determination of New UV/VIS Spectroscopic Parameters for the Quantitaive Determination of Fullerene Nanomaterials",
url = ""
Jovanović, T., Koruga, Đ., Mitrović, A.,& Stamenković, D.. (2018). Determination of New UV/VIS Spectroscopic Parameters for the Quantitaive Determination of Fullerene Nanomaterials. .
Jovanović T, Koruga Đ, Mitrović A, Stamenković D. Determination of New UV/VIS Spectroscopic Parameters for the Quantitaive Determination of Fullerene Nanomaterials. 2018;. .
Jovanović, Tamara, Koruga, Đuro, Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, "Determination of New UV/VIS Spectroscopic Parameters for the Quantitaive Determination of Fullerene Nanomaterials" (2018), .

Soft contact lenses nanomaterial characterization by atomic force microscopy and lacunarity method

Mitrović, Aleksandra; Bojović, Božica; Stamenković, Dragomir; Conte, Manuel; Koruga, Đuro


AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Bojović, Božica
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Conte, Manuel
AU  - Koruga, Đuro
PY  - 2017
UR  -
C3  - Book of Abstracts
T1  - Soft contact lenses nanomaterial characterization by atomic force microscopy and lacunarity method
EP  - 19
SP  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Aleksandra and Bojović, Božica and Stamenković, Dragomir and Conte, Manuel and Koruga, Đuro",
year = "2017",
journal = "Book of Abstracts",
title = "Soft contact lenses nanomaterial characterization by atomic force microscopy and lacunarity method",
pages = "19-19",
url = ""
Mitrović, A., Bojović, B., Stamenković, D., Conte, M.,& Koruga, Đ.. (2017). Soft contact lenses nanomaterial characterization by atomic force microscopy and lacunarity method. in Book of Abstracts, 19-19.
Mitrović A, Bojović B, Stamenković D, Conte M, Koruga Đ. Soft contact lenses nanomaterial characterization by atomic force microscopy and lacunarity method. in Book of Abstracts. 2017;:19-19. .
Mitrović, Aleksandra, Bojović, Božica, Stamenković, Dragomir, Conte, Manuel, Koruga, Đuro, "Soft contact lenses nanomaterial characterization by atomic force microscopy and lacunarity method" in Book of Abstracts (2017):19-19, .

Comparative Spectroscopic Characterization of Fullerene Nanomaterials

Jovanović, Tamara; Koruga, Đuro; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir


AU  - Jovanović, Tamara
AU  - Koruga, Đuro
AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
PY  - 2017
UR  -
C3  - Book of Abstracts
T1  - Comparative Spectroscopic Characterization of Fullerene Nanomaterials
EP  - 107
SP  - 107
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Tamara and Koruga, Đuro and Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir",
year = "2017",
journal = "Book of Abstracts",
title = "Comparative Spectroscopic Characterization of Fullerene Nanomaterials",
pages = "107-107",
url = ""
Jovanović, T., Koruga, Đ., Mitrović, A.,& Stamenković, D.. (2017). Comparative Spectroscopic Characterization of Fullerene Nanomaterials. in Book of Abstracts, 107-107.
Jovanović T, Koruga Đ, Mitrović A, Stamenković D. Comparative Spectroscopic Characterization of Fullerene Nanomaterials. in Book of Abstracts. 2017;:107-107. .
Jovanović, Tamara, Koruga, Đuro, Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, "Comparative Spectroscopic Characterization of Fullerene Nanomaterials" in Book of Abstracts (2017):107-107, .

Monte Carlo simulation of light transport through lens

Miljković, Vladimir M.; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir; Popović, Dejana P.; Koruga, Đuro Lj.

(Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Miljković, Vladimir M.
AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Popović, Dejana P.
AU  - Koruga, Đuro Lj.
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - A Monte Carlo model of steady state light transport in contact lenses has been coded in ANSI Standard C. The Monte Carlo simulation offers a flexible, yet rigorous approach to photon transport in tissue which can be applied on the lenses as well. The method describes local rules of photon propagation that are expressed as probability distributions. However, the method is statistical and as such relies on calculating the propagation of large number of photons. As a result, this method requires a large amount of computational time. This method is applied on the lenses and the obtained results are presented. The results confirm the possibility for the theoretical prediction of optical properties of materials.
PB  - Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd
T2  - Integritet i vek konstrukcija
T1  - Monte Carlo simulation of light transport through lens
EP  - 130
IS  - 2
SP  - 125
VL  - 16
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Miljković, Vladimir M. and Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir and Popović, Dejana P. and Koruga, Đuro Lj.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "A Monte Carlo model of steady state light transport in contact lenses has been coded in ANSI Standard C. The Monte Carlo simulation offers a flexible, yet rigorous approach to photon transport in tissue which can be applied on the lenses as well. The method describes local rules of photon propagation that are expressed as probability distributions. However, the method is statistical and as such relies on calculating the propagation of large number of photons. As a result, this method requires a large amount of computational time. This method is applied on the lenses and the obtained results are presented. The results confirm the possibility for the theoretical prediction of optical properties of materials.",
publisher = "Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd",
journal = "Integritet i vek konstrukcija",
title = "Monte Carlo simulation of light transport through lens",
pages = "130-125",
number = "2",
volume = "16",
url = ""
Miljković, V. M., Mitrović, A., Stamenković, D., Popović, D. P.,& Koruga, Đ. Lj.. (2016). Monte Carlo simulation of light transport through lens. in Integritet i vek konstrukcija
Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd., 16(2), 125-130.
Miljković VM, Mitrović A, Stamenković D, Popović DP, Koruga ĐL. Monte Carlo simulation of light transport through lens. in Integritet i vek konstrukcija. 2016;16(2):125-130. .
Miljković, Vladimir M., Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, Popović, Dejana P., Koruga, Đuro Lj., "Monte Carlo simulation of light transport through lens" in Integritet i vek konstrukcija, 16, no. 2 (2016):125-130, .

Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene

Mitrović, Aleksandra; Stamenković, Dragomir; Conte, Manuel; Bojović, Božica; Mihajlović, Spomenko


AU  - Mitrović, Aleksandra
AU  - Stamenković, Dragomir
AU  - Conte, Manuel
AU  - Bojović, Božica
AU  - Mihajlović, Spomenko
PY  - 2014
UR  -
T2  - Contemporary Materials
T1  - Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene
EP  - 160
IS  - 1
SP  - 151
VL  - 5
DO  - 10.7251/COMEN1401151M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Aleksandra and Stamenković, Dragomir and Conte, Manuel and Bojović, Božica and Mihajlović, Spomenko",
year = "2014",
journal = "Contemporary Materials",
title = "Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene",
pages = "160-151",
number = "1",
volume = "5",
doi = "10.7251/COMEN1401151M"
Mitrović, A., Stamenković, D., Conte, M., Bojović, B.,& Mihajlović, S.. (2014). Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene. in Contemporary Materials, 5(1), 151-160.
Mitrović A, Stamenković D, Conte M, Bojović B, Mihajlović S. Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene. in Contemporary Materials. 2014;5(1):151-160.
doi:10.7251/COMEN1401151M .
Mitrović, Aleksandra, Stamenković, Dragomir, Conte, Manuel, Bojović, Božica, Mihajlović, Spomenko, "Study of the optical power of nanophotonic soft contact lenses based on poly (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and fullerene" in Contemporary Materials, 5, no. 1 (2014):151-160, . .