Milošević, Neda

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  • Milošević, Neda (8)
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Phonemic Awareness as an Indicator of Preliteral Abilities in Serbian Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile; Ristić, Ivana

(Учитељски факултет Универзитета у Београду, 2022)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
AU  - Ristić, Ivana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Abstract:This study is based on theoretical and empirical understanding of phonemic awareness
in Serbian speaking children with and without specific language impairment (SLI). The aim of this
paper is to compare the phonemic awareness in children with SLI and children with typical language
development (TLD) who are between 5.11 and 7 years of age. This study included 40 participants
with SLI and 80 participants with TLD. The subtest for evaluation of phonemic awareness from The
Test for Evaluating Reading and Writing Pre-Skills – PredČiP (Kuvač Kraljević & Lenček, 2012)
was used. Statistically significant differences were confirmed on both tasks of phonemic awareness
(p < .001). The half of children of the SLI group had borderline or poor achievement, generally lower
than children with TLD. Bearing in mind that Serbian language has a regular orthography and clear
morphological specificities, compared to most world languages, it is expected that Serbian-speaking
children would master phonological awareness tasks more easily. Consequently, we believe that an
early detection of phonological disorders is particularly important for the Serbian-speaking children.
Having in mind that literature data indicate that children who, prior to starting school, are diagnosed
with SLI, later encounter interference with reading and writing, we suggest the implementation of a
AB  - У овом раду сагледавамо фонолошке способности у контексту Вагнер–Торгесеновог
модела фонолошке обраде, који фонолошку обраду посматра као вишедимензионалну спо-
собност. Према овом моделу, фонолошка способност обухвата три независне, али коре-
лативне компоненте: фонолошку свест, фонолошко памћење и брзо именовање (брзо пре-
познавање речи). Стога, ова студија се заснива на теоријском и емпиријском разумевању
фонемске свести код деце која говоре српски језик са и без специфичног језичког поремећаја
Фонемска свест представља основу фонолошког, а индиректно и ортографског де-
кодирања, односно формирања фонолошких репрезентација, због чега снажно утиче на
почетне фазе стицања вештине читања. У језицима са регуларном ортографијом фоно-
лошка структура штампане речи је лако доступна, коришћењем једноставног обрасца
претварања графеме у фонему. Насупрот томе, у језицима са нерегуларном ортографијом,
као што су енглески или хебрејски, читаоци су приморани да обрађују штампану реч ко-
ристећи веће фонолошке јединице. Стога, постоје и радови који указују како ортографска
сложеност утиче на везу између читања и фонолошке свести. За разлику од нетранспа-
рентне или дубоке ортографије енглеског језика, српски језик има директна и недвосмис-
лена подударања графема и фонема, где сваком слову одговара само један глас (укупно 30
знакова и исто толико фонема, од којих је пет самогласника). Даље, фонологија не варира у
зависности од контекста и морфологије, што српски језик сврстава међу језике са транс-
парентним правописом.
Имајући у виду да ова врста истраживања на српском језику досад није рађена, сма-
трамо да ће резултати овог истраживања допринети нашим сазнањима о дефицитима
фонемске свести, односно фонемској анализи и фонемској синтези код деце са СЈП на срп-
ском језику. Полазимо од претпоставке да ће деца која говоре српски језик са СЈП имати
нижу фонемску свест у поређењу са децом типичног језичког развоја (ТЈР). Друга претпо-
ставка је да ће боља постигнућа на задацима фонемске анализе бити повезана са бољим
постигнућима на задацима фонемске синтезе у обе групе.
Циљ овог рада је да се упореди фонемска свест код деце са СЈП и деце са типичним
језичким развојем (ТЈР) узраста од пет година и једанаест месеци до седам година.
Методе и процедуре. Ова студија обухватила је 120 учесника, оба пола, узраста од
пет година и једанаест месеци до седам година. Узорак је подељен у две групе: СЈП групу и ТЈР
групу. Група СЈП обухватала је 40 учесника са СЈП (осам девојчица и 32 дечака), просечне
старости од седам година и девет месеци (SD=4.47 месеци). Деца са СЈП била су корисници
Завода за психофизиолошке поремећаје и говорну патологију „Проф. др Цветко Брајовић“
у Београду, Република Србија. Од мерних инструмената коришћен је суптест за процену
фонемске свести из Теста за процену предвештина читања и писања – ПредЧиП (Kuvač
Kraljević & Lenček, 2012).
Резултати. Статистички значајне разлике потврђене су на оба задатка фонемске
свести (p<.001). Половина деце из СЈП групе је имала гранична или лоша постигнућа, гене-
рално нижа од деце са ТЈР. Однос између фонемске анализе и фонемске синтезе истражен
је коришћењем Спирманове корелације ранга у свакој групи посебно. Постојала је јака, по-
зитивна корелација између две варијабле у СЈП групи (ρ=0,719, p<.001), као и у ТЈР групи
(ρ=0,514, p<.001), што показује да су висока постигнућа на задатку фонемске анализе пове-
зана са високим постигнућима на задацима фонемске синтезе.
Закључци и импликације. Имајући у виду да српски језик има транспарентну ор-
тографију и јасну морфолошку специфичност, у поређењу са већином светских језика, оче-
кује се да ће деца која говоре српски језик лакше савладавати задатке фонолошке свести.
Сходно томе, сматрамо да је рано откривање фонолошких поремећаја посебно важно за
децу која говоре српски језик. Имајући у виду да подаци из литературе указују да деца код
којих је пре поласка у школу дијагностикован СЈП, касније се сусрећу са сметњама у учењу
читања и писања, стога предлажемо спровођење посебног превентивног програма за развој
фонолошких вештина, односно тренинг фонемске свести код све деце.
PB  - Учитељски факултет Универзитета у Београду
T2  - Иновације у настави
T1  - Phonemic Awareness as an Indicator of Preliteral Abilities in Serbian Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment
T1  - Фонемска свесност као индикатор претчитачких способности код деце са српског говорног подручја без специфичног поремећаја језика и са њим
IS  - 1
VL  - 35
DO  - 10.5937/inovacije2201118M
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile and Ristić, Ivana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Abstract:This study is based on theoretical and empirical understanding of phonemic awareness
in Serbian speaking children with and without specific language impairment (SLI). The aim of this
paper is to compare the phonemic awareness in children with SLI and children with typical language
development (TLD) who are between 5.11 and 7 years of age. This study included 40 participants
with SLI and 80 participants with TLD. The subtest for evaluation of phonemic awareness from The
Test for Evaluating Reading and Writing Pre-Skills – PredČiP (Kuvač Kraljević & Lenček, 2012)
was used. Statistically significant differences were confirmed on both tasks of phonemic awareness
(p < .001). The half of children of the SLI group had borderline or poor achievement, generally lower
than children with TLD. Bearing in mind that Serbian language has a regular orthography and clear
morphological specificities, compared to most world languages, it is expected that Serbian-speaking
children would master phonological awareness tasks more easily. Consequently, we believe that an
early detection of phonological disorders is particularly important for the Serbian-speaking children.
Having in mind that literature data indicate that children who, prior to starting school, are diagnosed
with SLI, later encounter interference with reading and writing, we suggest the implementation of a, У овом раду сагледавамо фонолошке способности у контексту Вагнер–Торгесеновог
модела фонолошке обраде, који фонолошку обраду посматра као вишедимензионалну спо-
собност. Према овом моделу, фонолошка способност обухвата три независне, али коре-
лативне компоненте: фонолошку свест, фонолошко памћење и брзо именовање (брзо пре-
познавање речи). Стога, ова студија се заснива на теоријском и емпиријском разумевању
фонемске свести код деце која говоре српски језик са и без специфичног језичког поремећаја
Фонемска свест представља основу фонолошког, а индиректно и ортографског де-
кодирања, односно формирања фонолошких репрезентација, због чега снажно утиче на
почетне фазе стицања вештине читања. У језицима са регуларном ортографијом фоно-
лошка структура штампане речи је лако доступна, коришћењем једноставног обрасца
претварања графеме у фонему. Насупрот томе, у језицима са нерегуларном ортографијом,
као што су енглески или хебрејски, читаоци су приморани да обрађују штампану реч ко-
ристећи веће фонолошке јединице. Стога, постоје и радови који указују како ортографска
сложеност утиче на везу између читања и фонолошке свести. За разлику од нетранспа-
рентне или дубоке ортографије енглеског језика, српски језик има директна и недвосмис-
лена подударања графема и фонема, где сваком слову одговара само један глас (укупно 30
знакова и исто толико фонема, од којих је пет самогласника). Даље, фонологија не варира у
зависности од контекста и морфологије, што српски језик сврстава међу језике са транс-
парентним правописом.
Имајући у виду да ова врста истраживања на српском језику досад није рађена, сма-
трамо да ће резултати овог истраживања допринети нашим сазнањима о дефицитима
фонемске свести, односно фонемској анализи и фонемској синтези код деце са СЈП на срп-
ском језику. Полазимо од претпоставке да ће деца која говоре српски језик са СЈП имати
нижу фонемску свест у поређењу са децом типичног језичког развоја (ТЈР). Друга претпо-
ставка је да ће боља постигнућа на задацима фонемске анализе бити повезана са бољим
постигнућима на задацима фонемске синтезе у обе групе.
Циљ овог рада је да се упореди фонемска свест код деце са СЈП и деце са типичним
језичким развојем (ТЈР) узраста од пет година и једанаест месеци до седам година.
Методе и процедуре. Ова студија обухватила је 120 учесника, оба пола, узраста од
пет година и једанаест месеци до седам година. Узорак је подељен у две групе: СЈП групу и ТЈР
групу. Група СЈП обухватала је 40 учесника са СЈП (осам девојчица и 32 дечака), просечне
старости од седам година и девет месеци (SD=4.47 месеци). Деца са СЈП била су корисници
Завода за психофизиолошке поремећаје и говорну патологију „Проф. др Цветко Брајовић“
у Београду, Република Србија. Од мерних инструмената коришћен је суптест за процену
фонемске свести из Теста за процену предвештина читања и писања – ПредЧиП (Kuvač
Kraljević & Lenček, 2012).
Резултати. Статистички значајне разлике потврђене су на оба задатка фонемске
свести (p<.001). Половина деце из СЈП групе је имала гранична или лоша постигнућа, гене-
рално нижа од деце са ТЈР. Однос између фонемске анализе и фонемске синтезе истражен
је коришћењем Спирманове корелације ранга у свакој групи посебно. Постојала је јака, по-
зитивна корелација између две варијабле у СЈП групи (ρ=0,719, p<.001), као и у ТЈР групи
(ρ=0,514, p<.001), што показује да су висока постигнућа на задатку фонемске анализе пове-
зана са високим постигнућима на задацима фонемске синтезе.
Закључци и импликације. Имајући у виду да српски језик има транспарентну ор-
тографију и јасну морфолошку специфичност, у поређењу са већином светских језика, оче-
кује се да ће деца која говоре српски језик лакше савладавати задатке фонолошке свести.
Сходно томе, сматрамо да је рано откривање фонолошких поремећаја посебно важно за
децу која говоре српски језик. Имајући у виду да подаци из литературе указују да деца код
којих је пре поласка у школу дијагностикован СЈП, касније се сусрећу са сметњама у учењу
читања и писања, стога предлажемо спровођење посебног превентивног програма за развој
фонолошких вештина, односно тренинг фонемске свести код све деце.",
publisher = "Учитељски факултет Универзитета у Београду",
journal = "Иновације у настави",
title = "Phonemic Awareness as an Indicator of Preliteral Abilities in Serbian Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment, Фонемска свесност као индикатор претчитачких способности код деце са српског говорног подручја без специфичног поремећаја језика и са њим",
number = "1",
volume = "35",
doi = "10.5937/inovacije2201118M"
Milošević, N., Vuković, M.,& Ristić, I.. (2022). Phonemic Awareness as an Indicator of Preliteral Abilities in Serbian Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment. in Иновације у настави
Учитељски факултет Универзитета у Београду., 35(1).
Milošević N, Vuković M, Ristić I. Phonemic Awareness as an Indicator of Preliteral Abilities in Serbian Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment. in Иновације у настави. 2022;35(1).
doi:10.5937/inovacije2201118M .
Milošević, Neda, Vuković, Mile, Ristić, Ivana, "Phonemic Awareness as an Indicator of Preliteral Abilities in Serbian Speaking Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment" in Иновације у настави, 35, no. 1 (2022), . .

Awareness of Rhyme in Preschoo Children with Specific Language Impairment and Without Language Difficulties

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile

(Fac Teacher Education, Zagreb, 2018)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Significance of developing the rhyme recognition and production skills is displayed by defining the rhyming skills as one of the activities that develops a sense of the word-sound structures. It is a natural activity of most preschool children, but also a common difficulty for the children with language impairment. Rhyme is a skill associated with the development of reading and spelling that contributes to their later development regardless of the relationship with the phonemic awareness. The aim of the current study was to compare the rhyming skills in children with and without language impairment. The sample consisted of 120 subjects who were examined by using a subtest of the rhyme recognition and production test. The obtained results indicated significant differences on the tasks of rhyme identification and production in the children with a specific language impairment (SLI) and the children with the typical language development (TLD). The SLI children had significantly poorer performance on all the tasks, when compared to the TLD children. It was concluded that, in the developmental period, the awareness of rhyme can be seen as a prerequisite for the occurrence of smaller phonological units such as phonemic awareness, and as an indicator of the later development of reading skills. Special attention should be given to them in monitoring the development of the children with language difficulties.
PB  - Fac Teacher Education, Zagreb
T2  - Croatian Journal of Education
T1  - Awareness of Rhyme in Preschoo Children with Specific Language Impairment and Without Language Difficulties
EP  - 257
SP  - 237
VL  - 20
DO  - 10.15516/cje.v20i0.2481
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Significance of developing the rhyme recognition and production skills is displayed by defining the rhyming skills as one of the activities that develops a sense of the word-sound structures. It is a natural activity of most preschool children, but also a common difficulty for the children with language impairment. Rhyme is a skill associated with the development of reading and spelling that contributes to their later development regardless of the relationship with the phonemic awareness. The aim of the current study was to compare the rhyming skills in children with and without language impairment. The sample consisted of 120 subjects who were examined by using a subtest of the rhyme recognition and production test. The obtained results indicated significant differences on the tasks of rhyme identification and production in the children with a specific language impairment (SLI) and the children with the typical language development (TLD). The SLI children had significantly poorer performance on all the tasks, when compared to the TLD children. It was concluded that, in the developmental period, the awareness of rhyme can be seen as a prerequisite for the occurrence of smaller phonological units such as phonemic awareness, and as an indicator of the later development of reading skills. Special attention should be given to them in monitoring the development of the children with language difficulties.",
publisher = "Fac Teacher Education, Zagreb",
journal = "Croatian Journal of Education",
title = "Awareness of Rhyme in Preschoo Children with Specific Language Impairment and Without Language Difficulties",
pages = "257-237",
volume = "20",
doi = "10.15516/cje.v20i0.2481"
Milošević, N.,& Vuković, M.. (2018). Awareness of Rhyme in Preschoo Children with Specific Language Impairment and Without Language Difficulties. in Croatian Journal of Education
Fac Teacher Education, Zagreb., 20, 237-257.
Milošević N, Vuković M. Awareness of Rhyme in Preschoo Children with Specific Language Impairment and Without Language Difficulties. in Croatian Journal of Education. 2018;20:237-257.
doi:10.15516/cje.v20i0.2481 .
Milošević, Neda, Vuković, Mile, "Awareness of Rhyme in Preschoo Children with Specific Language Impairment and Without Language Difficulties" in Croatian Journal of Education, 20 (2018):237-257, . .

Rapid naming in children with specific language impairment and in children with typical language development

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile

(Institute of Special Education and Rehablitation, 2017)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Aimed at the detailed insight into the phonological ability of Serbian-speaking children of preschool age, with and without language impairment, the ability of rapid naming was examined. Method: Operationalization of the set goal was carried out by using the Test for evaluating reading and writing pre-skills. In describing and analyzing the obtained data, methods of descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The sample included 120 subjects of both gender, 40 children diagnosed with specific language impairment (SLI), age from 5,11 to 7 years, and 80 children with typical language development (TLD), age between 5,11 and 7 years, with no statistically significant differences in relation to age and gender of the participants. Results: Summing up the overall results and achievements of children with SLI and children with TLD, we concluded that there are statistically significant differences in the rapid naming between children with specific language impairment and children with typical language development. Conclusions: As it is a global trend to work on preventing disorders and obstructions, and phonological skills in this age are a timely indicator of the development of reading and writing skills, the examined children with SLI are at risk for the occurrence of obstructions and disorders in the area of reading and writing abilities.
PB  - Institute of Special Education and Rehablitation
T2  - Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
T1  - Rapid naming in children with specific language impairment and in children with typical language development
EP  - 54
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 42
VL  - 18
DO  - 10.19057/jser.2017.18
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Aimed at the detailed insight into the phonological ability of Serbian-speaking children of preschool age, with and without language impairment, the ability of rapid naming was examined. Method: Operationalization of the set goal was carried out by using the Test for evaluating reading and writing pre-skills. In describing and analyzing the obtained data, methods of descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The sample included 120 subjects of both gender, 40 children diagnosed with specific language impairment (SLI), age from 5,11 to 7 years, and 80 children with typical language development (TLD), age between 5,11 and 7 years, with no statistically significant differences in relation to age and gender of the participants. Results: Summing up the overall results and achievements of children with SLI and children with TLD, we concluded that there are statistically significant differences in the rapid naming between children with specific language impairment and children with typical language development. Conclusions: As it is a global trend to work on preventing disorders and obstructions, and phonological skills in this age are a timely indicator of the development of reading and writing skills, the examined children with SLI are at risk for the occurrence of obstructions and disorders in the area of reading and writing abilities.",
publisher = "Institute of Special Education and Rehablitation",
journal = "Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
title = "Rapid naming in children with specific language impairment and in children with typical language development",
pages = "54-42",
number = "1-2",
volume = "18",
doi = "10.19057/jser.2017.18"
Milošević, N.,& Vuković, M.. (2017). Rapid naming in children with specific language impairment and in children with typical language development. in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Institute of Special Education and Rehablitation., 18(1-2), 42-54.
Milošević N, Vuković M. Rapid naming in children with specific language impairment and in children with typical language development. in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 2017;18(1-2):42-54.
doi:10.19057/jser.2017.18 .
Milošević, Neda, Vuković, Mile, "Rapid naming in children with specific language impairment and in children with typical language development" in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 18, no. 1-2 (2017):42-54, . .

Phonological ability as a determinant for defining and interpreting phonological disorders

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile

(University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Sciences, 2016)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This study gives an overview of different approaches to defining and analyzing the development of phonological abilities for the purpose of determining and understanding the nature of developmental phonological disorders. Earlier studies have observed developmental phonological disorders from the aspect of how linguistics understands phonology. However, some newer studies show that the focus has now shifted to overall linguistic behavior and linguistic functioning. The purpose of this study was to make a conceptual framework for both phonological abilities and disorders, based on considerations about the development of linguistic and psycholinguistic theories. Key elements for defining a phonological ability and detecting a phonological disorder have been outlined. The study ends with the conclusion that the two main determinants for recognizing and defining a phonological disorder in children are the perception of the notion of phonological ability and knowledge about the main and specific characteristics of phonological subsystems.
PB  - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Sciences
T2  - Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja
T1  - Phonological ability as a determinant for defining and interpreting phonological disorders
T1  - Fonološka vještina kao determinanta definiranja i interpretacije fonološkog poremećaja
EP  - 94
IS  - 2
SP  - 83
VL  - 52
DO  - 10.31299/hrri.52.2.8
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This study gives an overview of different approaches to defining and analyzing the development of phonological abilities for the purpose of determining and understanding the nature of developmental phonological disorders. Earlier studies have observed developmental phonological disorders from the aspect of how linguistics understands phonology. However, some newer studies show that the focus has now shifted to overall linguistic behavior and linguistic functioning. The purpose of this study was to make a conceptual framework for both phonological abilities and disorders, based on considerations about the development of linguistic and psycholinguistic theories. Key elements for defining a phonological ability and detecting a phonological disorder have been outlined. The study ends with the conclusion that the two main determinants for recognizing and defining a phonological disorder in children are the perception of the notion of phonological ability and knowledge about the main and specific characteristics of phonological subsystems.",
publisher = "University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Sciences",
journal = "Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja",
title = "Phonological ability as a determinant for defining and interpreting phonological disorders, Fonološka vještina kao determinanta definiranja i interpretacije fonološkog poremećaja",
pages = "94-83",
number = "2",
volume = "52",
doi = "10.31299/hrri.52.2.8"
Milošević, N.,& Vuković, M.. (2016). Phonological ability as a determinant for defining and interpreting phonological disorders. in Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Sciences., 52(2), 83-94.
Milošević N, Vuković M. Phonological ability as a determinant for defining and interpreting phonological disorders. in Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja. 2016;52(2):83-94.
doi:10.31299/hrri.52.2.8 .
Milošević, Neda, Vuković, Mile, "Phonological ability as a determinant for defining and interpreting phonological disorders" in Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja, 52, no. 2 (2016):83-94, . .

Mentalno zdravlje gluvih i nagluvih osoba

Milošević, Neda

(Drustvo defektologa Srbije, 2013)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Povećana incidenca psihosocijalnih poremećaja kod gluvih i naglu- vih od 15 do 60%, predstavlja varijaciju pri kojoj se mentalni poremećaji javljaju 2–5 puta češće nego u opštoj populaciji. Međutim, gluvoća sama po sebi ne doprinosi psihijatrijskim poremećajima već dodatni fakto- ri kao što su poremećaj komunikacije, fizički i zdravstveni problemi, loši životni uslovi i mnogi drugi faktori koji povećavaju rizik od psi- hijatrijskih poremećaja unutar ove populacije.
Rana auditivna i komunikativna deprivacija čini osobe sa slušnim oštećenjima vulnerabilnije na mentalne poremećaje od čujuće populacije koji se mogu ispoljiti u vidu emocionalnih poremećaja i problema u pona- šanju.
S obzirom da se gluvoća povezuje sa značajnom heterogenošću u oblasti kognitivnog, emocionalnog i socijalnog razvoja, odsustvo rane auditivne stimulacije i odložen razvoj jezika utiče na različite domene neuroko- gnitivne obrade. Dakle, rani pristup auditivnom i jezičkom iskustvu je od suštinskog značaja za razvoj govornog jezika, kognitivne i emocionalne kontrole, planiranja i organizacije a rana afektivna komunikacija sa ro- diteljima predstavlja dobar put prevencije mentalnih bolesti.
AB  - With regard to the mental health of deaf children, increased rates of
psychosocial problems have been reported, with prevalences of psychiatric
disorders ranging from 15 to 60%. This variation of 2–5 times higher
rates than in hearing population. deafness is not per se that contributes to
psychiatric problems but that additional factors, such as communication
problems, physical health problems, adverse living conditions and other
factors may increase the risk of psychiatric disorders in this population.
Early communicative deprivation makes people with hearing disabilities
more vulnerable to mental disorders of hearing population, which may be
manifested in the form of emotional disturbance and behavioral problems.
Deafness is associated with large heterogeneity in cognitive, social, and
emotional development. The absence of early auditory stimulation and delay
in acquiring language seems to affect neurocognitive processing domains,
such as auditory and visual working memory, attention, and inhibition.
Therefore, early access to auditory and linguistic experience is essential
for development of spoken language, as well as cognitive and emotional
control, planning, and organization and early effective communication
with parents is a good way to prevent mental illness.
PB  - Drustvo defektologa Srbije
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)
T2  - Beogradska defektološka škola
T1  - Mentalno zdravlje gluvih i nagluvih osoba
T1  - Mental health of deaf and hard of hearing people
EP  - 93
IS  - 1
SP  - 83
VL  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Povećana incidenca psihosocijalnih poremećaja kod gluvih i naglu- vih od 15 do 60%, predstavlja varijaciju pri kojoj se mentalni poremećaji javljaju 2–5 puta češće nego u opštoj populaciji. Međutim, gluvoća sama po sebi ne doprinosi psihijatrijskim poremećajima već dodatni fakto- ri kao što su poremećaj komunikacije, fizički i zdravstveni problemi, loši životni uslovi i mnogi drugi faktori koji povećavaju rizik od psi- hijatrijskih poremećaja unutar ove populacije.
Rana auditivna i komunikativna deprivacija čini osobe sa slušnim oštećenjima vulnerabilnije na mentalne poremećaje od čujuće populacije koji se mogu ispoljiti u vidu emocionalnih poremećaja i problema u pona- šanju.
S obzirom da se gluvoća povezuje sa značajnom heterogenošću u oblasti kognitivnog, emocionalnog i socijalnog razvoja, odsustvo rane auditivne stimulacije i odložen razvoj jezika utiče na različite domene neuroko- gnitivne obrade. Dakle, rani pristup auditivnom i jezičkom iskustvu je od suštinskog značaja za razvoj govornog jezika, kognitivne i emocionalne kontrole, planiranja i organizacije a rana afektivna komunikacija sa ro- diteljima predstavlja dobar put prevencije mentalnih bolesti., With regard to the mental health of deaf children, increased rates of
psychosocial problems have been reported, with prevalences of psychiatric
disorders ranging from 15 to 60%. This variation of 2–5 times higher
rates than in hearing population. deafness is not per se that contributes to
psychiatric problems but that additional factors, such as communication
problems, physical health problems, adverse living conditions and other
factors may increase the risk of psychiatric disorders in this population.
Early communicative deprivation makes people with hearing disabilities
more vulnerable to mental disorders of hearing population, which may be
manifested in the form of emotional disturbance and behavioral problems.
Deafness is associated with large heterogeneity in cognitive, social, and
emotional development. The absence of early auditory stimulation and delay
in acquiring language seems to affect neurocognitive processing domains,
such as auditory and visual working memory, attention, and inhibition.
Therefore, early access to auditory and linguistic experience is essential
for development of spoken language, as well as cognitive and emotional
control, planning, and organization and early effective communication
with parents is a good way to prevent mental illness.",
publisher = "Drustvo defektologa Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju (ICF)",
journal = "Beogradska defektološka škola",
title = "Mentalno zdravlje gluvih i nagluvih osoba, Mental health of deaf and hard of hearing people",
pages = "93-83",
number = "1",
volume = "19",
url = ""
Milošević, N.. (2013). Mentalno zdravlje gluvih i nagluvih osoba. in Beogradska defektološka škola
Drustvo defektologa Srbije., 19(1), 83-93.
Milošević N. Mentalno zdravlje gluvih i nagluvih osoba. in Beogradska defektološka škola. 2013;19(1):83-93. .
Milošević, Neda, "Mentalno zdravlje gluvih i nagluvih osoba" in Beogradska defektološka škola, 19, no. 1 (2013):83-93, .

Lexical-semantic ability in children with specific language disorders

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Specific language disorders includes primary speech and language disorder in children with no intellectual disability, hearing impairment, visible neural damage or emotional disorders. The disorders are characterized by delays or abnormalities in the development of linguistic structure, where some elements can be more developed than others. Main goal of study is examination of lexical-semantic abilities in children with specific developmental language disorder and nonspecific changes in electroencephalographic activities (EEG) compared with children who have specific language disorders and normal EEG findings. The entire sample included 20 children, aged between 5 and 7, with specific developmental language disorder, undergoing speech language therapy at the Institute for Psycho - Physiological and Speech Disorders 'Professor dr. Cvetko Brajović'. The examinees were divided into two groups according to EEG findings. The first group included 10 children with language disorders who had non-specific changes in EEG activity and the other group comprised 10 children with language disorders and normal EEG findings. The Test for Speech Development - definitions tasks, was applied in the research. The results were processed by methods of descriptive and analytical statistics. Results showed that there are differences in lexical-semantic abilities in children with nonspecific EEG changes and children with normal EEG activities. Assessment of lexical-semantic abilities in relation to nonspecific changes in EEG activity may have relevance in determining the immediate subtypes of specific developmental language disorders.
AB  - Specifični jezički poremećaj podrazumeva poremećaj u govornojezičkom razvoju kod dece bez oštećenja inteligencije, sluha, vidljive cerebralne patologije i emocionalnih poremećaja. Poremećaj karakterišu zakašnjenje ili abnormalnosti u razvoju jezičke strukture, pri čemu neki elementi mogu biti razvijeniji u odnosu na druge. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje nivoa razvijenosti leksičko-semantičkih sposobnosti kod dece sa specifičnim razvojnim jezičkim poremećajem i nespecifičnim promenama elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti (EEG) u poređenju sa decom koja imaju specifičan jezički poremećaj i uredan EEG nalaz. Uzorak je činilo 20-oro dece, uzrasta od 5-7 godina, sa specifičnim razvojnim jezičkim poremećajem koja se nalaze na logopedskom tretmanu u Zavodu za psihofiziološke poremećaje i govornu patologiju 'Prof. dr Cvetko Brajović' u Beogradu. Prema EEG nalazu, ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe. Prva grupa obuhvatila je desetoro dece sa jezičkim poremećajem koja su imala nespecifične promene elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti, dok je drugu grupu činilo desetoro dece sa jezičkim poremećajem i normalnim EEG nalazom. U ispitivanju je primenjen Test za ispitivanje govorne razvijenosti - test definicija. Dobijeni rezultati obrađeni su metodama deskriptivne i analitičke statistike. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje razlike u leksičko-semantičkim sposobnostima između dece sa nespecifičnim promenama EEG i dece normalnih elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti. Procena leksičko-semantičkih sposobnosti u odnosu na nespecifične promene elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti može imati značaj u bližem određivanju podtipova specifičnog razvojnog jezičkog poremećaja.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd
T2  - Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
T1  - Lexical-semantic ability in children with specific language disorders
T1  - Leksičko-semantičke sposobnosti dece sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem i nespecifičnim promenama elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti
EP  - 443
IS  - 3
SP  - 435
VL  - 10
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Specific language disorders includes primary speech and language disorder in children with no intellectual disability, hearing impairment, visible neural damage or emotional disorders. The disorders are characterized by delays or abnormalities in the development of linguistic structure, where some elements can be more developed than others. Main goal of study is examination of lexical-semantic abilities in children with specific developmental language disorder and nonspecific changes in electroencephalographic activities (EEG) compared with children who have specific language disorders and normal EEG findings. The entire sample included 20 children, aged between 5 and 7, with specific developmental language disorder, undergoing speech language therapy at the Institute for Psycho - Physiological and Speech Disorders 'Professor dr. Cvetko Brajović'. The examinees were divided into two groups according to EEG findings. The first group included 10 children with language disorders who had non-specific changes in EEG activity and the other group comprised 10 children with language disorders and normal EEG findings. The Test for Speech Development - definitions tasks, was applied in the research. The results were processed by methods of descriptive and analytical statistics. Results showed that there are differences in lexical-semantic abilities in children with nonspecific EEG changes and children with normal EEG activities. Assessment of lexical-semantic abilities in relation to nonspecific changes in EEG activity may have relevance in determining the immediate subtypes of specific developmental language disorders., Specifični jezički poremećaj podrazumeva poremećaj u govornojezičkom razvoju kod dece bez oštećenja inteligencije, sluha, vidljive cerebralne patologije i emocionalnih poremećaja. Poremećaj karakterišu zakašnjenje ili abnormalnosti u razvoju jezičke strukture, pri čemu neki elementi mogu biti razvijeniji u odnosu na druge. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje nivoa razvijenosti leksičko-semantičkih sposobnosti kod dece sa specifičnim razvojnim jezičkim poremećajem i nespecifičnim promenama elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti (EEG) u poređenju sa decom koja imaju specifičan jezički poremećaj i uredan EEG nalaz. Uzorak je činilo 20-oro dece, uzrasta od 5-7 godina, sa specifičnim razvojnim jezičkim poremećajem koja se nalaze na logopedskom tretmanu u Zavodu za psihofiziološke poremećaje i govornu patologiju 'Prof. dr Cvetko Brajović' u Beogradu. Prema EEG nalazu, ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe. Prva grupa obuhvatila je desetoro dece sa jezičkim poremećajem koja su imala nespecifične promene elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti, dok je drugu grupu činilo desetoro dece sa jezičkim poremećajem i normalnim EEG nalazom. U ispitivanju je primenjen Test za ispitivanje govorne razvijenosti - test definicija. Dobijeni rezultati obrađeni su metodama deskriptivne i analitičke statistike. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje razlike u leksičko-semantičkim sposobnostima između dece sa nespecifičnim promenama EEG i dece normalnih elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti. Procena leksičko-semantičkih sposobnosti u odnosu na nespecifične promene elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti može imati značaj u bližem određivanju podtipova specifičnog razvojnog jezičkog poremećaja.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd",
journal = "Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija",
title = "Lexical-semantic ability in children with specific language disorders, Leksičko-semantičke sposobnosti dece sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem i nespecifičnim promenama elektroencefalografskih aktivnosti",
pages = "443-435",
number = "3",
volume = "10",
url = ""
Milošević, N.,& Vuković, M.. (2011). Lexical-semantic ability in children with specific language disorders. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Beograd., 10(3), 435-443.
Milošević N, Vuković M. Lexical-semantic ability in children with specific language disorders. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija. 2011;10(3):435-443. .
Milošević, Neda, Vuković, Mile, "Lexical-semantic ability in children with specific language disorders" in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 10, no. 3 (2011):435-443, .

Grammar and syntactic deficit in children with specific developmental language impairment

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile

(Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2011)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Specific language disorders include primary speech and language disorder developing in intelligent children without hearing damaged and visible neural damage. Even the fact of grammatical-syntactically deficits as characte-ristic of specific language disorders, they are not properly examined. Because of numerous variations in clinical manifestation and expression of specific language disorders, there is need for specific analysis of grammatical-syntactically deficits in children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders. The aim of study was to analyse the grammatical-syntactically deficits in children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders according to non- specific EEG changes. Material and methods: The entire sample included 30 patients from the Institute for Psycho - Physiological and Speech Disorders "Professor dr. Cvetko Brajovic". The sample was divided in the two groups by the findings of neurologists. The tests used for specific language disorders were: test decrypting of picture. The results were processed by methods of descriptive statistics. Results: Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, it was shown that there are differences in the grammatical-syntactic deficits examined groups. Conclusion: Assessment of the grammatical-syntactically abilities compa-red to non-specific EEG changes may have practical importance in specifying of the speech - language disorders and their prognosis.
PB  - Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation
T2  - Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
T1  - Grammar and syntactic deficit in children with specific developmental language impairment
EP  - 58
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 50
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.2478/v10215-011-0011-9
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Specific language disorders include primary speech and language disorder developing in intelligent children without hearing damaged and visible neural damage. Even the fact of grammatical-syntactically deficits as characte-ristic of specific language disorders, they are not properly examined. Because of numerous variations in clinical manifestation and expression of specific language disorders, there is need for specific analysis of grammatical-syntactically deficits in children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders. The aim of study was to analyse the grammatical-syntactically deficits in children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders according to non- specific EEG changes. Material and methods: The entire sample included 30 patients from the Institute for Psycho - Physiological and Speech Disorders "Professor dr. Cvetko Brajovic". The sample was divided in the two groups by the findings of neurologists. The tests used for specific language disorders were: test decrypting of picture. The results were processed by methods of descriptive statistics. Results: Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, it was shown that there are differences in the grammatical-syntactic deficits examined groups. Conclusion: Assessment of the grammatical-syntactically abilities compa-red to non-specific EEG changes may have practical importance in specifying of the speech - language disorders and their prognosis.",
publisher = "Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
journal = "Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation",
title = "Grammar and syntactic deficit in children with specific developmental language impairment",
pages = "58-50",
number = "3-4",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.2478/v10215-011-0011-9"
Milošević, N.,& Vuković, M.. (2011). Grammar and syntactic deficit in children with specific developmental language impairment. in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation., 12(3-4), 50-58.
Milošević N, Vuković M. Grammar and syntactic deficit in children with specific developmental language impairment. in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 2011;12(3-4):50-58.
doi:10.2478/v10215-011-0011-9 .
Milošević, Neda, Vuković, Mile, "Grammar and syntactic deficit in children with specific developmental language impairment" in Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 12, no. 3-4 (2011):50-58, . .

Articulation - phonological deficits in children with specific developmental language impairment

Milošević, Neda; Vuković, Mile

(Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad, 2010)

AU  - Milošević, Neda
AU  - Vuković, Mile
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Introduction: Specific language disorder includes primary speech and language disorder developed in children without mental disability, hearing disability, visible neural damage and emotional disability. These children are lagging behind only in speech and language development versus children of typical development. There are studies that describe the articulatory phonological deficits as the clinical manifestations of specific developmental language disorder, but this problem is not sufficiently developed in theory. Aim of study: Qualitative and quantitative analyses of articulation phonological deficits in children who had diagnoses of speech language disorders, in relation to the presence of non specific changes of EEG. Material and methods: The entire sample included 30 patients from Institute for psycho physiological and speech disorders "Professor dr. Cvetko Brajovic". The sample was divided in two groups by the findings of neurologists. The first group included 15 children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders and with non specific EEG changes. The second group included 15children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders and without non-specific EEG changes. Tests used for specific language disorders were: Global articulation test, Decrypting of picture and Testing the speech of development. The results were processed by methods of descriptive statistics. Results: Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, it was shown that there are differences in articulation phonological deficits of examined groups. Conclusion: Assessment of articulation phonological abilities compared to non-specific EEG changes may have practical importance in specifying speech language disorders and their prognosis.
PB  - Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad
C3  - Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
T1  - Articulation - phonological deficits in children with specific developmental language impairment
EP  - +
SP  - 437
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Neda and Vuković, Mile",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Introduction: Specific language disorder includes primary speech and language disorder developed in children without mental disability, hearing disability, visible neural damage and emotional disability. These children are lagging behind only in speech and language development versus children of typical development. There are studies that describe the articulatory phonological deficits as the clinical manifestations of specific developmental language disorder, but this problem is not sufficiently developed in theory. Aim of study: Qualitative and quantitative analyses of articulation phonological deficits in children who had diagnoses of speech language disorders, in relation to the presence of non specific changes of EEG. Material and methods: The entire sample included 30 patients from Institute for psycho physiological and speech disorders "Professor dr. Cvetko Brajovic". The sample was divided in two groups by the findings of neurologists. The first group included 15 children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders and with non specific EEG changes. The second group included 15children who had diagnoses of speech - language disorders and without non-specific EEG changes. Tests used for specific language disorders were: Global articulation test, Decrypting of picture and Testing the speech of development. The results were processed by methods of descriptive statistics. Results: Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, it was shown that there are differences in articulation phonological deficits of examined groups. Conclusion: Assessment of articulation phonological abilities compared to non-specific EEG changes may have practical importance in specifying speech language disorders and their prognosis.",
publisher = "Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad",
journal = "Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija",
title = "Articulation - phonological deficits in children with specific developmental language impairment",
pages = "+-437",
url = ""
Milošević, N.,& Vuković, M.. (2010). Articulation - phonological deficits in children with specific developmental language impairment. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
Soc Special Educators & Rehabilitators Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Novi Sad., 437-+.
Milošević N, Vuković M. Articulation - phonological deficits in children with specific developmental language impairment. in Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija. 2010;:437-+. .
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